Saturday, October 12, 2013

Peter King : Court Jester

Recently, Peter King, the court jester of the House of Representatives, had this to say to PMSNBC's Andrea Mitchell about Tea Party heroes Rand Paul and Ted Cruz:


"I'm really more concerned about why more Republicans around the country didn't join me in denouncing Ted Cruz. We now have people on the sidelines coming forward who we have to take a stand here. We cannot allow our party to be taken over by the likes of Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. I mean, these are people, isolationists, I consider them RINOs, because they don't represent traditional Republican principles. Ted Cruz, what he did here, was lead the party into a dead end with no strategy, somehow convincing a number of House Republicans that we just sent this to through Senate as far as defunding and closing down the government, he would manage to get Harry Reid and President Obama to back down. He never had a plan. It was fraudulent from the start. And we have to cut this guy off now."


Ok Pete, Since you asked nicely, I'll tell you why no one in the grassroots of the Conservative Movement hasn't flocked to your moronic position. In fact, since I'm such a nice guy and I kind of feel bad for making fun of someone who's day late and a few chromosomes short, I'll type it nice and slow and use all caps. Ready, Pete? No? Frankly, I don't give a damn. Here it is:


Ladies and gentlemen, as we are all aware, the horror that is dog eater Barack Hussein Obama being installed as President of the United States by his willing collaborators in the arrogant and lazy media wasn't the sole cause of the rise of the Tea Party. The Tea Party came into being, in part, as a reaction to the final years of the Bush Error. (Hat tip to the Great One Mark Levin for being one of the few individuals in the media who actually understands this.) We were sick and tired of the constant growth of government under Bush's "leadership". We were annoyed at the warp speed pace that Bush and his GOP-E cronies were added to the nightmarish deficit. We were sickened by the attempt to grant illegal alien scumbags amnesty. In short, we decided that we wanted nothing do with Bolsheviks of the Democrat Party or the Menshiviks of the Republican't party.

Pete, that means you. Last time I checked, you goosestepped right along with your GOP-E comrades during this very painful time in American history. It was slobs like you that gave us the Department of Homeland Security (which really sucks at stopping terrorism--see the Boston Bombing for further details), sexual assaults at airports, Mediscare Part D, the NSA perverting the Patriot Act into a domestic spying plot, and all the rest. Your record, and the record of your comrades, absolutely sucks, Pete.

And, since we're telling it like it is Pete, it was RINO's like you that helped propel our Indonesian raised Fuhrer into power. The Republican't party was as useless as male nipples during the Bush Error. Sure they cut taxes and did a reasonably good job on the War on Terror, but did nothing to check the power of the out-of-control Federal Leviathan. Did you and your comrades jettison the unconstitutional Department of Education? No, instead you dumbasses ensured further federal interference in education with the "No Child Left Behind" scam. How about the EPA, Pete? What did you and your comrades do about its lawless ways? Nada. Did you and comrades tame the Department of Labor? Nein. Did you folks at least kill the utterly useless Commerce Department? Geen. You and your ilk didn't give the American people any reason whatsoever to support the Republican party, so they didn't, and now we're stuck with a guy who wants to start World War III and be on al-Qaeda's side.

Here's the bottom line, gang: If the Republican't party won't carry on the fight to protect the We the People from the fascist plot that is Obamacare, then We the People need to take it to the next level. Perhaps we could use Mark Levin's idea to amend the Constitution as outlined in his book, The Liberty Amendments. Or, perhaps we should seriously consider saying sayonara to Tokyo Rove, Court Jester Peter King and the rest of the Old Boy Network that is the GOP-E, and form a third party.

It's now or never.....

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