Thursday, October 31, 2013

Stupid Is As Republican't Does

Fellow Conservatives, the time has come. The time has come to free ourselves from the lackluster idiocy of the Republican't party and go our own way. The time has come to tell the political operatives like Tokyo Rove to shove it. The time has come to turn off FOX Snooze once and for all. The time has come to tell the crony capitalists on Wall Street to earn a living in an actual free market instead of leeching off the besieged American taxpayer.

In short, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for a third party. It's time for a third party that understands freedom. It's time for a third party that respects the Constitution. It's time for a third party that understands that only when individuals make their own choices and live their own lives, can America rise again from the depths it has sunken to.

To illustrate this point, let's take a look at a breathtakingly stupid remark from the Weeper of the House, Johnny Boehner:


"We want to repeal Obamacare and replace it with patient-centered healthcare."


Despite the fact that government run health care is collapsing all around us, with trillion dollar deficits, war wounded veterans told to go to hell, and a website written in BASIC by Canadian flim-flam artists, the highest ranking member of the Republican party in CONgress wants play statist mastermind (H/T Mark Levin) and create his own dystopian (and blantantly unconstitutional, regardless of what John Roberts thinks) healthcare system.

I don't know if this is sheer ignorance or willing collaboration with Chairman Obama and His Merry Band of Fascists, nor do I give a damn. There simply isn't enough time to ponder that anymore. The country is dying of a stab wound in the back. Yes, the Dhimmicrats did all the stabbing, but it was the Republican'ts who handed them the knife when they folded and funded  Aktion T-4...I mean, Obamacare. In other words, in a perfect world where career politicians could be tried for passing laws that were blatantly in violation of the Constitution, the prisoner's dock would be bipartisan.

Yes, I'm fully aware that there were those like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and a small handful of others who fought the good fight against Obamacare. They should be commended. But let's face it, gang, they never had a chance. They were badly outnumbered, with enemies like the Mensheviks in the Republican't party, the Bolsheviks in the Allahu Akbar party, and the misery pimps in the arrogant and lazy media surrounding them.

The bottom line is this: The United States of America is on the edge political, economic, and social disaster. It's pretty obvious that Republican't party is no position to save the day, and to be perfectly blunt and honest, it has no desire to do so.

If that isn't reason enough to form a third party, I don't know what is.

To the NSA agent reading this post: My name is Alan Levy. Not only do I approve of this message, I wrote it.

“We want to repeal Obamacare and replace it with patient-centered healthcare.” - See more at:
“We want to repeal Obamacare and replace it with patient-centered healthcare.” - See more at:
“We want to repeal Obamacare and replace it with patient-centered healthcare.” - See more at:

“We want to repeal Obamacare and replace it with patient-centered healthcare.” - See more at:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"It's The Law Of The Land!" And Other Annoying Crap

There are many things that annoy me in this world. I get really annoyed when people point with their middle finger. I easily lose my patience when some lackwit tries to explain to me that legalizing marijuana would pay off the national debt. And of course, it really fries my bacon when some maggot infested liberal commie pig wearing an unwashed Che t-shirt calls himself an American.

As highly annoying as the above is, there is something that is slowly but surely becoming even more aggravating. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the phrase: "It's the law of the land", especially when it's used by career politicians and the useless cable news talking heads who enable them to defend Boehner/McConnell/Obummercare or to rip Conservatives like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Louie Gohmert a new one for daring to attempt to live up to their oath of office.

I don't want to get into a lengthy discussion about how only the Constitution is the law of the land. I know that and you know that. (And if you don't know that, blame your civics teacher who thought her union membership was more important than teaching you.) It's a matter of fact, kind of like two and two makes four and there's no such thing as "climate change".

What I do want to discuss is how dangerous that wretched statement is.

You see, when hacks like Harry Reid and Juan McLame say "It's the law of the land", they're not talking about defending Boehner/McConnell/Obummercare, regardless of how much they tell you how that they care about the uninsured, "bipartisanship", and all the rest of their political buzzwords. After all, none of them have read all 2700 pages, and even if they did, none of them would have a snowball's chance in Hell to understand it. (Look at the IRA's favorite CONgress critter Peter King, just to toss a name out there. He takes off his shoes to count to ten.) What they're defending is the power they've grabbed for themselves. Basically, they now operate under the assumption that any law they pass is now carved on two stone tablets, totally unalterable by man. In other words, they're building what Mark Levin calls "a soft tyranny".

Then there's Will, uh, Bill O'Reilly (I get the two confused since they're so alike.) and the rest of the mentally challenged hangers-on in the Cable Snooze circuit actively pushing this propaganda. Whether they're being "Fair and Balanced" or doing their best to "Lean Forward", they're helping to set what's left of the Constitution on fire. In some cases, like with Ed "The Red" Schultz and all the rest of the miscreants at PMSNBC, this is intentional. In other cases, like the McAvoy Factor on FOX, the host simply doesn't know any better and doesn't care to know any better. (O'Reilly... McAvoy...You say "tomato" I say "tomato".)

Here's the bottom line, gang. We're on the edge of complete economic, political, and social disaster. The Boehner/McConnell/Obummercare fiasco shows that the Republic is on life support, waiting for the death panels to put it out of its misery.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fuck you GOP, Fuck You.

I hate to be rude, I hate to be crass, but you know what, ladies and gentlemen, I've had it. I am sick and damn tired of of voting for a party that mocks me, torments me, and worst of all, collaborates with the fascist pigs in the Democrat party to destroy The United States of America in the name of "bipartisanship".

In short, I no longer consider myself a member of the Republican't party. I'm done. The GOP can go fuck themselves. I have had more than my share of being the political world's version of a Cubs fan, always waiting to the next election, only to heartbroken by an inevitable collapse, just like the one we saw today when the Weeper of the House Johnny Boehner surrendered and gave Hugo Hussein Obama damn near unlimited power by pissing away The House's power of the purse .

I don't know about you dear reader, but I absolutely refuse to support a political party that doesn't share my love for this country and its founding. I absolutely refuse to vote for slimy corporatists and crony capitalists who will back any law, cut any corner, and stab their own mothers in the back to keep their Wall Street masters happy. I absolutely refuse to vote for a party that, for the most part, is completely  indistinguishable from the National Socialists in the Democrat party.

From here on out, I will NEVER vote GOP EVER again unless that individual is cut from same cloth as Ted Cruz. Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Louie Gohmert, and a few precious others. So, in my case, when Marco Rubio (who in all fairness did stand with Cruz against Obamacareless, but at the same time wants to import Democrats from Mexico) is up for reelection in 2016, I'll be voting for either the Libertarian candidate, the Constitution Party's candidate, or who knows, the Rent is Too Damn High Party's candidate. When Rick Scott, another spineless blob of wet cardboard who pissed himself at the moment of truth when it came to Obamacareless begs for my vote, I'll give him the same treatment I'm giving to Rubio: A vote someone else, anyone else. When the RNC comes begging for my hard earned money, the only thing they'll get from me is a picture of me extending my middle finger.

I know there will be some who will say by doing this I will only be empowering the goosesteppers in the Democrat party. That's a load of bollocks, to shamelessly rip off Gordon Ramsay. It's pretty obvious voting for the Republican't party does that and does it spades. (Yes, I said "spades". Spades! Spades! Spades!)

Fuck you, GOP. Fuck you.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Peter King : Court Jester

Recently, Peter King, the court jester of the House of Representatives, had this to say to PMSNBC's Andrea Mitchell about Tea Party heroes Rand Paul and Ted Cruz:


"I'm really more concerned about why more Republicans around the country didn't join me in denouncing Ted Cruz. We now have people on the sidelines coming forward who we have to take a stand here. We cannot allow our party to be taken over by the likes of Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. I mean, these are people, isolationists, I consider them RINOs, because they don't represent traditional Republican principles. Ted Cruz, what he did here, was lead the party into a dead end with no strategy, somehow convincing a number of House Republicans that we just sent this to through Senate as far as defunding and closing down the government, he would manage to get Harry Reid and President Obama to back down. He never had a plan. It was fraudulent from the start. And we have to cut this guy off now."


Ok Pete, Since you asked nicely, I'll tell you why no one in the grassroots of the Conservative Movement hasn't flocked to your moronic position. In fact, since I'm such a nice guy and I kind of feel bad for making fun of someone who's day late and a few chromosomes short, I'll type it nice and slow and use all caps. Ready, Pete? No? Frankly, I don't give a damn. Here it is:


Ladies and gentlemen, as we are all aware, the horror that is dog eater Barack Hussein Obama being installed as President of the United States by his willing collaborators in the arrogant and lazy media wasn't the sole cause of the rise of the Tea Party. The Tea Party came into being, in part, as a reaction to the final years of the Bush Error. (Hat tip to the Great One Mark Levin for being one of the few individuals in the media who actually understands this.) We were sick and tired of the constant growth of government under Bush's "leadership". We were annoyed at the warp speed pace that Bush and his GOP-E cronies were added to the nightmarish deficit. We were sickened by the attempt to grant illegal alien scumbags amnesty. In short, we decided that we wanted nothing do with Bolsheviks of the Democrat Party or the Menshiviks of the Republican't party.

Pete, that means you. Last time I checked, you goosestepped right along with your GOP-E comrades during this very painful time in American history. It was slobs like you that gave us the Department of Homeland Security (which really sucks at stopping terrorism--see the Boston Bombing for further details), sexual assaults at airports, Mediscare Part D, the NSA perverting the Patriot Act into a domestic spying plot, and all the rest. Your record, and the record of your comrades, absolutely sucks, Pete.

And, since we're telling it like it is Pete, it was RINO's like you that helped propel our Indonesian raised Fuhrer into power. The Republican't party was as useless as male nipples during the Bush Error. Sure they cut taxes and did a reasonably good job on the War on Terror, but did nothing to check the power of the out-of-control Federal Leviathan. Did you and your comrades jettison the unconstitutional Department of Education? No, instead you dumbasses ensured further federal interference in education with the "No Child Left Behind" scam. How about the EPA, Pete? What did you and your comrades do about its lawless ways? Nada. Did you and comrades tame the Department of Labor? Nein. Did you folks at least kill the utterly useless Commerce Department? Geen. You and your ilk didn't give the American people any reason whatsoever to support the Republican party, so they didn't, and now we're stuck with a guy who wants to start World War III and be on al-Qaeda's side.

Here's the bottom line, gang: If the Republican't party won't carry on the fight to protect the We the People from the fascist plot that is Obamacare, then We the People need to take it to the next level. Perhaps we could use Mark Levin's idea to amend the Constitution as outlined in his book, The Liberty Amendments. Or, perhaps we should seriously consider saying sayonara to Tokyo Rove, Court Jester Peter King and the rest of the Old Boy Network that is the GOP-E, and form a third party.

It's now or never.....

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Marxists Say The Darndest Things

Recently, our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama, had this to say about the government shutdown in between bowls of chicken poodle soup and attempting to start World War III:


"And in keeping with the broad ramifications of a shutdown, I think it's important that everybody understands the federal government is America's largest employer."


And there, ladies and gentlemen, is the root of of all of our economic ills, our social ills, and our political ills. The Federal Leviathan has grown so massive and Chris Christie-like it can't support its own weight anymore.

Now, keep in mind, this isn't an ideological point of view. I didn't rip this from the brilliant brain of Thomas Sowell. I didn't pull this from an Ann Coulter book, nor I did I come to this conclusion by watching FNC (AKA---Fox Neocon Channel). I came to this conclusion by simply being an observant person. The signs of Big, Slovenly Government are everywhere. To be perfectly blunt and honest, I can't think of one thing, not one blessed thing, that the Federal Leviathan doesn't have its overfed snout in, and I'm willing to bet every fiat dollar I have that you can't think of one thing it doesn't regulate, either. The government is everywhere, telling us what kind of light bulbs to use, how much water our toilets should use, listening to our phone calls, and reading our emails.

And what has this brought us, precisely?

The nearly limitless number of government employees, federal agencies, and mindless bureaucracy didn't make us safer, as both 9/11 attacks would attest. All the trillions upon trillions of dollars dumped into useless social programs still has yet to end poverty and racism. The government can't even deliver mail, something it's supposed to do, without going billions of dollars in the hole. If this wasn't so tragic, the whole situation would make a great comedy.

Regardless of what dementia-addled moonbats like Harry Reid claim to think, no one is calling for anarchy. (Equating limited Constitutional government with anarchy is the 2+2=5 statement of all time.) I can't think of one reasonable person who does. At the same time, where does it all end? How much government does an allegedly free people need?