Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"It's The Law Of The Land!" And Other Annoying Crap

There are many things that annoy me in this world. I get really annoyed when people point with their middle finger. I easily lose my patience when some lackwit tries to explain to me that legalizing marijuana would pay off the national debt. And of course, it really fries my bacon when some maggot infested liberal commie pig wearing an unwashed Che t-shirt calls himself an American.

As highly annoying as the above is, there is something that is slowly but surely becoming even more aggravating. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the phrase: "It's the law of the land", especially when it's used by career politicians and the useless cable news talking heads who enable them to defend Boehner/McConnell/Obummercare or to rip Conservatives like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Louie Gohmert a new one for daring to attempt to live up to their oath of office.

I don't want to get into a lengthy discussion about how only the Constitution is the law of the land. I know that and you know that. (And if you don't know that, blame your civics teacher who thought her union membership was more important than teaching you.) It's a matter of fact, kind of like two and two makes four and there's no such thing as "climate change".

What I do want to discuss is how dangerous that wretched statement is.

You see, when hacks like Harry Reid and Juan McLame say "It's the law of the land", they're not talking about defending Boehner/McConnell/Obummercare, regardless of how much they tell you how that they care about the uninsured, "bipartisanship", and all the rest of their political buzzwords. After all, none of them have read all 2700 pages, and even if they did, none of them would have a snowball's chance in Hell to understand it. (Look at the IRA's favorite CONgress critter Peter King, just to toss a name out there. He takes off his shoes to count to ten.) What they're defending is the power they've grabbed for themselves. Basically, they now operate under the assumption that any law they pass is now carved on two stone tablets, totally unalterable by man. In other words, they're building what Mark Levin calls "a soft tyranny".

Then there's Will McAvoy...er, uh, Bill O'Reilly (I get the two confused since they're so alike.) and the rest of the mentally challenged hangers-on in the Cable Snooze circuit actively pushing this propaganda. Whether they're being "Fair and Balanced" or doing their best to "Lean Forward", they're helping to set what's left of the Constitution on fire. In some cases, like with Ed "The Red" Schultz and all the rest of the miscreants at PMSNBC, this is intentional. In other cases, like the McAvoy Factor on FOX, the host simply doesn't know any better and doesn't care to know any better. (O'Reilly... McAvoy...You say "tomato" I say "tomato".)

Here's the bottom line, gang. We're on the edge of complete economic, political, and social disaster. The Boehner/McConnell/Obummercare fiasco shows that the Republic is on life support, waiting for the death panels to put it out of its misery.

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