Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Killing For al-Qaeda ? You Betcha!

As we all sit here and wait to find out whether or not the United States will be at war with Assad regime in Syria, I thought now would be as a good a time as any to examine the reason why we're going on this fool's errand that can turn into World War III in a blink of an eye.

No, it has nothing to do with protecting innocents, spreading democracy, or any of the other Progressivik propaganda you have had the misfortune of being exposed to. If that was the case, our Dear Leader would have supported the Green Revolution in Ron Paul's beloved Iran. It has nothing to do with national security, because the former Barry Soetero doesn't believe in national security. If he did, the borders would be locked down, the perpetrators of the Benghazi massacre would be dead, along with Edward Snowden. (For the record, I don't think Snowden is a threat to national security, but King Hussein sure does. He's whined about it enough.) So, right off the bat, we can eliminate the two main reasons why modern presidents use force.

Now, there is the little matter of this being a tactic to draw attention away from the many scandals that are plaguing the Obama Dystopia. That argument would hold water under normal circumstances, but that's not the case here for two reasons. One, Obama knows full well that he'll never be impeached or removed from office as long as the Dims hold the Imperial Senate and the Republicans are led by spineless blobs wet cardboard like Mitch McConman and the helpless Weeper of the House, Johnny Boehner. Two, Obama, despite the accolades heaped upon him by the arrogant and lazy media, isn't clever enough to pull it off. (Bill Caligula he is not.)

So then, what's the reason for this utter madness ?

Treason. Let me say it again: Treason. Let me say it a bunch of times so the NSA can hear me loud and clear: Treason, treason, treason, treason, and oh yes, treason.

You see ladies and gentlemen, we are going to war to save al-Qaeda's revolution in Syria, just as we went to war to save the Muslim Brotherhood's revolution in Libya.

Don't believe me ? Think I'm just an ornery Right Wing cuss with a blog ? Check this out:


"Al-Qaeda-linked rebels launched an assault on a regime-held Christian mountain village in the densely populated west of Syria and new clashes erupted near the capital, Damascus, on Wednesday - part of a brutal battle of attrition each side believes it can win despite more than two years of deadlock.

In the attack on the village of Maaloula, rebels commandeered a mountaintop hotel and nearby caves and shelled the community below, said a nun, speaking by phone from a convent in the village. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals."


Gang, I don't know what to think about any of this. I really don't, and I'm man enough to admit it. A month ago, we were on the edge of complete and total economic, political, and social disaster as a nation. Now, with the Traitor in Chief poised to give al-Qaeda air cover, we're still on the edge of the abyss, but now we're going to lose our souls.

May God have mercy on us.

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