Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hunting For Food In Sewers

There's a lot I despise Chairman Obama for. He's a communist. He pushes the homosexual agenda with reckless abandon. He hates Jews. He persecutes Catholics. He's a pathological liar. And oh, yes, before I forget, he's a racist with a burning hatred for whites. In short, he's a bleeding hemorrhoid on the ass of humanity.

The funny thing about all of the above is the fact that they are not his worst qualities. Obama proves on a daily basis that there are sewers that he's not to proud to hunt for food in. And the following proves it.

From Politico :


“ 'The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old,' Obama said, bowing his head as he collected his emotions. No sound was audible in the James S. Brady briefing room, named for the Reagan press secretary grievously wounded by a would-be assassin, but the clicking of cameras captured a rare presidential tear.

'They had their entire lives ahead of them, birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own…' Obama added, before having to pause again, eyes rimmed in red."


Yes, I'm going there. And you know what ? I don't give the slightest damn about about the consequences. If no one else is willing to say it, I will. Obama's crocodile tears about the Connecticut school shooting was one of the most heinous acts in the pathetic history of American politics.

You're just a partisan hack. The guy has children. Get off the man's back for just a minute.

Nope. Nay. Nein. Geen.

See gang, the most contemptible thing about Chairman Obama is the fact that it's all politics all the time with him. Obama could care less that elementary school children were brutally murdered in their classroom. This is a "man", after all, when he was in the Mentally Illinois Senate, voted "present" on a measure that would have required doctors to provide treatment for babies that survived botched partial birth abortions. This is a "man" who has seen fit to help the Muslim Brotherhood, a sworn enemy of the United States and Israel, establish Islamonazi regimes in Egypt and Libya. (And in the case of Libya, he ordered the US military to kill on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood. Let's not beat around the bush.) This is a "man" who celebrated the birthday of genocidal maniac Nelson Mandela, who has the blood of thousands of South Africans on his hands. This is also a "man" who has covered up murders in both the Fast and Furious and Benghazi scandals. To say that this "man" has any  human compassion is intellectually dishonest at best and dangerously stupid at worst.
Let's not forget, El Presidente also said this when he was doing his best to place an unearned Academy Award next to his unearned Nobel Peace of Crap Prize:
"As a country, we have been through this too many times. Whether it is an elementary school in Newtown, or a shopping mall in Oregon, or a temple in Wisconsin, or a movie theater in Aurora, or a street corner in Chicago, these neighborhoods are our neighborhoods and these children are our children. And we’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics." [emphasis added]


Guess what that means ? More gun grabbing. More harassment of law abiding citizens. And of course, there will be an endless stream of propaganda to make sure the weak-willed RINO leadership in CONgress kowtows to "public pressure". A little more of our precious Liberty will be stolen. In other words, this will be made into another Chairman Obama Circus of Destruction.
Now, I fully understand that I'm being just as vile as our Kenyan Overlord by inserting politics into this unspeakable tragedy. By writing this article, I'm hunting for food in sewers as well. I get that. But see, I'm not doing this for myself. I'm speaking up for my children. My children deserve to live in a country where they have the right to defend themselves. My children have the right to live in a country that respects their civil rights, and the absolute right to defend oneself from harm is one the most important Unalienable Rights that our Creator has endowed upon us. 

Move over, Barry. Those rat remains are mine.

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