Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Snowden Job For The Ages

 Our dog eating Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama, had this to say about the "phony" NSA spying scandal during his August 9th "press" conference:


"As I said at the National Defense University back in May, in meeting those threats we have to strike the right balance between protecting our security and preserving our freedoms."



Ladies and gentlemen, the above quote needs to be immortalized in some way. Perhaps it should be carved into the base of the Statue of Liberty or onto the side of a mountain. Maybe children should be forced to memorize it in their union infested government run schools, or better yet, children should be forced to recite it after turning their parents in to Thinkpol.

You see ladies and gentlemen, there isn't a better example than the above quote of what kind of fascist pig Barack Hussein Obama truly is.

In the above quote, the Indonesian raised Obama basically states that the federal government can eat away at our freedom for whatever reason it feels like. Now of course, this isn't news. We the Victims have watched Obama's circus of destruction-like administration wreak havoc on our rights and the Constitution in many, many ways. We've seen Obama unilaterally decide to declare war on Libya, we've seen Obama change Obamacare on a whim several times, we've seen the IRS attempt to silence Conservative dissent, and we've seen the charge to obliterate the Second Amendment and harass journalists, just to name a few crimes against the Republic.

However, this is different.

Now he's claiming the government can shred the Constitution in the name of national security, sort of like, Godwin's Law be darned, Adolf Hitler did when he pushed the Enabling Act through the Reichstag.

Don't get me wrong: I'm all for the War on Terror. I fully support the idea of dispatching Islamonazis to Allah. But let's not kid ourselves. The NSA spying program has absolutely nothing to do with national security. If it did, wouldn't the feds have caught on to Tamerlan Tsarnaev after he made his Islamonazi Youtube page, for example ? Here's another:  How did Edward Snowden walk out of the NSA with four laptops full of classified data and hop on a plane headed to Hong Kong while telling his superiors he was taking time off for the treatment of epilepsy ? These are just a few examples, and I'm sure you come up with quite a few yourself.

The camera (literally and figuratively---take a look around at your nearest intersection.) is pointed at us, not them. Apparently, We the People Who Foot The Bill For All of This are a far greater threat than genocidal Jihadis bent on enslaving the Free World to Shariah Law. (2+2=5 indeed!)

Now that the common sense part of the program is out of the way, here's another question: Where in the heck does the Constitution mention anything about striking "right balance" when comes to any of our rights ? Our rights were given to us by our Creator, not by the federal government, and yes, they are unlimited. Now, I know there will be those who toss out lame examples like "you can't shout 'fire' in a movie theater," or "we have the right to bear arms, but you can't put land mines in your front yard". These arguments are nothing more than the needless slaughter of straw men. The only thing we can't do as a free people is violate the rights of others while exercising our rights. Shouting "fire" in a movie theater isn't illegal in itself, but creating a public disturbance is. We can't have landmines in our yards because they're a danger to the community. (Guns have triggers and require the user to pull them to fire. Regardless of what the libtards would have you believe, guns don't just fire all willy nilly on their own.)

Here's the only "balance" that was recognized by the "old white guys" (aka--The Founders) who wrote the United States Constitution when it comes to being harassed by any level of government:


"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."


Yep, that's the Fourth Amendment. We the People have the right to live our lives as we see fit and as long as we're not breaking the law or violating the rights of others. Owning a telephone or surfing the internet doesn't create the probable cause described in the Fourth Amendment. Neither does being at war. Actually doing something creates probable cause. For example, calling Taliban held territory in Afghanistan on a regular basis creates probable cause. My wife calling me to demand that I bring home milk does not create probable cause. (And not for nothing, Islamonazi terrorists don't use the internet or cell phones to communicate. They, like the mob, use couriers, kind of like the one that was followed to track down Osama Bin Laden.)

The bottom line is this: We're on the edge of complete economic, political, and social disaster. The Snowden Job shows just how close we are to that edge.

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