Friday, June 28, 2013

Not Celebrating This Year

This year, I am not celebrating the Fourth of July. I won't be firing off any fireworks. I won't be torching the family's hamburgers and hot dogs like I do every year. Who knows, I might even be sober all day.

In short, I am turning the Fourth of July into the fourth of July.

To be perfectly blunt and honest, I don't feel We the People have a whole lot to celebrate anymore. I know how that sounds, and I wish to God I felt differently, but I don't. Everywhere we look, a little more of our precious freedom is being taken away.  There are cameras at every intersection. The IRS is trampling all over the First Amendment, as is Obamacareless. The movement to eradicate the Second Amendment is obviously not dead, and oh yes, before I forget, the NSA is keeping tabs on what I Google and to whom I speak to.

If there was a glimmer of hope, I'm sure I'd feel differently. But if you haven't noticed, there's no light at the end of the tunnel. The Republican Panty (no typo) hasn't done a blessed thing to stop any of the above crimes against the Republic. When America was crying out for a Reagan-esque Conservative during the 2012 Popularity Contest, the Republican Panty gave us the hapless Mitt Trotsky. Instead of fighting to the bitter end on homosexual "marriage", "Republicans" (Rob Portman and Ileana Ros Lethinen) joined forces with the Anti-God Left. When the Democrat Party wanted to cash in on the Sandy Hook tragedy and grab our guns, "Republican" Pat Toomey helped to lead the charge. In case that doesn't make your insides shake, the Same Sex Senators (h/t Mark Levin), Lindsey Grahamnesty and John McLame are demanding that the United States arm al-Qaeda in Syria. And finally, there's Benedict Rubio, trading our national sovereignty for a smattering of praise from the New York Slimes and the Washington Compost. Needless to say, Republican resistance to Chairman Obama's plots and schemes have been tepid at best and willing collaboration at worst.

I don't know about you, but none of this makes me want to pack the wife, the dog, and my 2.4 kids into my gas-guzzling SUV and head to the seashore.

Now, please understand. I'm not trying to start a movement. I'm not telling you not to celebrate the Fourth. And to be sure, I'll understand if you want to call me an asshole. My attitude sucks and I am more than willing to admit it. If you have any ideas how drag us from the edge of complete economic, political, and social disaster, please let me know.

I don't know if I can take this depression anymore....


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