Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Patriot, My Ass

Recently, the Clown Prince of Journalism, Bill Freaking O'Reilly, called Barack Hussein Oblahblah a "patriot".

I kid you not. From the good folks at Breitbart:


“ 'I said on Kimmel that both President Bush the younger and Barack Obama are patriots because they served their country,' O’Reilly said. 'You may not agree with them, alright? But I don't think you say they're not patriots unless you have, you know, evidence that is just through the roof. I think almost every president that's ever served this nation has been a patriot, including Richard Nixon.' "



Now of course, this is like shooting paralyzed fish in a barrel with a big ol' "assault weapon" that makes liberals wet themselves. There are countless examples of Obama's lack of patriotism, ranging from his complete and total disregard for the Constitution and the founding of our nation to trying to start World War III in Syria and be on al-Qaeda's side. Basically, there isn't a crime against the Constitution and American culture that Barry the Horrible hasn't committed and is willing to commit.

But you already know all of that. I'm willing to bet my last, worthless, fiat dollar that you, Dear Reader, are a Conservative and you use your head for more than a hat rack. There's no reason to rehash all of Obama's scandals, plots, and crimes. So to keep it interesting, I've decided to introduce exhibit 100 trillion-A (just to throw a random number out there) of why Obama is a commie turd. (Call him whatever you want, but don't you dare call him the new "m-word" or "s-word". Believe me, the last thing you want is the Internal Revenue Stasi  breathing down your neck. Before long, I'm sure Ted Nugent will be paying for his thoughtcrime.)

From The Hill:


"The Obama administration proposed Tuesday to ban advertisements for unhealthy food in the country’s schools, targeting a $150 million per year industry that is nonetheless backing the plan.

Draft regulations unveiled Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture reflect the latest phase of first lady Michelle Obama’s campaign to combat a national childhood obesity crisis.'Our classrooms should be healthy places where kids are not bombarded with ads for junk food,' Obama said Tuesday during an event at the White House.

She described the new guidelines as 'part of a broader effort to inspire companies to rethink how they market food to kids in general'....The rule proposed Tuesday would prohibit ads at schools on everything from vending machines to scoreboards for any food that can’t be sold on campuses.  The action follows the development of new school nutritional standards that are set to take effect in July."


This is an outrage on so many levels I don't even know where to begin. This doesn't just shred the Constitution, it reduces it toilet paper in a Turkish prison. It violates the First Amendment, it unconstitutionally seizes even more power from local school boards, and to top it all off, it's another pseudo-law being belched from the nameless, faceless, unelected federal bureaucracy.

How in the hell is this even remotely patriotism?

There will be some who say that this is no big deal, it's protecting children, we have bigger fish to fry, and all the rest. But it's that attitude that has brought us to edge of complete political, economic, and social disaster. Every violation of the Constitution, whether it's the NSA reading your emails or some dweeb from the Ag Department telling Johnny he can't sell candy bars to support his high school football team (assuming it's not outlawed, but I digress), a little more of our liberty, our precious liberty, dies.

Is that enough proof for you, Bill?

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