There are many reasons to think our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama, is a complete and total scumbag. He started his political career in the living room of wannabe terrorist Bill Ayers. He thinks the Sisters of the Poor should toss aside their religious convictions and support the cold blooded murder of unborn babies. He'd also like to see the state of Israel disappear and has done his utmost to make sure North Africa is under the iron fist of the Islamonazi Muzzie Brotherhood.
Oh yeah, in addition to eating dogs and snorting coke, Commander Zero was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, a noted commie sympathizer. So, even in his younger days, Barry was a complete and total scumbag.
But you know what, as satanically evil as the above is, (I'd have to say we're long past calling this a political struggle. This is quickly becoming a struggle between good and evil. If you think I'm exaggerating, consider this: an NSA agent is snooping around in your email as you read this.), what really makes me despise Chairman Obama is his incessant belief that the American people are idiots.
A little housekeeping is in order here. When I use the term "American", I am not referring to liberals, illegal alien criminals, the faceless and nameless unelected bureaucrats crafting regulations that carry the weight of laws, the Thinkpol-like NSA, and the vast majority of "journalists". It's fairly obvious that these folks have decided that they would rather live in the People's Republic of Progressivia rather than the United States of America. Might as well call a sp--a diamond a diamond. (*WHEW* Almost committed a thoughtcrime there! These days, I hear they make you sign up for Obamacareless for talk like that.)
For example, let's look at the latest State of Confusion speech. At the beginning of the snoozer, His Majesty said this:
"And here are the results of your efforts: the lowest unemployment rate
in over five years; a rebounding housing market --[seals clapping] -- a
manufacturing sector that's adding jobs for the first time since the
1990s -- [seals clapping] -- more oil produced -- more oil produced at home
than we buy from the rest of the world, the first time that's happened
in nearly twenty years -- [seals clapping] -- our deficits cut by more than
half; and for the first time -- [Obama throws them a fish] -- for the first time in over
a decade, business leaders around the world have declared that China is
no longer the world's number one place to invest; America is."
I know and you know that this is utter crap on a stick, along with the bizarre notion that legalizing illegal alien criminals and making them eligible for more freebies from the taxpayers will create some sort of economic boom. There's no need to toss out a bunch of links to prove how clever I am. We're living it. We live it when we fill our gas tanks. We live it when we pay our electricity bills. We live it when we're taxed to death by layer after layer of government. We live it when we see that the fiat dollar is no longer the currency of the world and Chinese funny money is.
And of course, the unemployed live it more than most. Barry even trotted out an unemployed woman to say so and to prove that he was thinking about them all the time during his Hawaiian vacay on the the 53%'s dime:
"Misty DeMars is a mother of two young boys. She'd been steadily
employed since she was a teenager, put herself through college. She'd
never collected unemployment benefits, but she's been paying taxes.
May, she and her husband used their life savings to buy their first
home. A week later, budget cuts claimed the job she loved. Last month,
when their unemployment insurance was cut off, she sat down and wrote me
a letter, the kind I get every day."
Let's play nice and say that for the first time in his adult life, The $oros Spawn in Chief is telling the truth and the story is 100% legit. If we're headed to the economic Promise Land, why can't Misty DeMars find a job? Please understand: I'm not attacking Mrs. DeMars despite the fact she's allowing herself to be used as a human propaganda poster. I know it makes me a racist hater-person to point this out, but this is a question that needs to be answered.
And we actually do have an answer. The economy is an unmitigated disaster. Imam Obama admits it by trotting out his new favorite victim.
And it's crap like this that makes Obama a complete and total scumbag. This is far beyond the usual lying and deceit that runs rampant in Babylon DC. This is doublethink with more 'roid rage than Barry Bonds. And he believes that Americans are buffoons, prone to succumbing to Huey Long-like socialist populism. That in itself is a huge problem. If a man with unlimited executive power thinks he's leading a nation of bleeding imbeciles, then he'd better curtail their freedoms for their own good.
"Citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals
from us each day. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors,
and police officers all over this country who say 'we are not afraid,'
and I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress, to help stop more
tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters and
our shopping malls, or schools like Sandy Hook."
There are many, especially the talking head trolls that infest cable snooze, who think that this decades long State of Confusion speech from Our Least Favorite Kenyan is his swan song, his last hurrah before fading into the mists and becoming a regular on the 500k A Speech Tour. That couldn't be further from the truth. Obama is a Marxist all hopped up on the failed ideologies of the past and wants to do as much damage to the Republic as he can on the way out.
And why?
Because he's a complete and total scumbag, that's why.
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