While I can't decide scandal is worse, I do know which one angers me the most: The IRS targeting Conservative groups. This is not because I'm a hard charging far-right Conservative, it's because I'm an American. Last time I checked, it's not exactly an American virtue to sit idly by while the government does its best to silence those who dissent.
Now, I'm not going to bore you with a rehashing of the story. We all know what happened. The White House ordered the Internal Revenue Stasi to target Conservative groups and squash the only real opposition to Obama's bloodless Marxist coup. This is a statement of fact, just like two and two make four and there's no such thing as the tooth fairy or anthropogenic global warming.
However, here's something you didn't know about the above criminal mischief:
While the Federal Leviathan is crushing Tea Party groups, the nameless and faceless bureaucrats who inhabit it are funding left wing commie agitators.
Like the Green Guerillas.
From the EPA's website:
"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded $30,000 to Green Guerillas, a New York City community-based organization, to teach organic gardening skills to a team of Brooklyn young people. The grant was awarded under the EPA’s Environmental Justice Small Grants Program, which supports and empowers communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues.
'EPA environmental justice grants provide much needed funds to tackle local pollution problems and improve the quality of life in low income communities,' said Judith A. Enck, EPA Regional Administrator. 'The grant to Green Guerillas will educate young people in Brooklyn on ways they can utilize urban land, create healthier neighborhoods and get people working together to solve problems.' "
Who in the hell are the Green Guerillas, you ask?
From their website:
"In the early 1970’s, Liz Christy and the original band of green guerillas decided to do something about the urban decay they saw all around them. They threw 'seed green-aids' over the fences of vacant lots. They planted sun flower seeds in the center meridians of busy New York City streets. They put flower boxes on the window ledges of abandoned buildings.
Soon they turned their attention to a large, debris-filled vacant lot on the corner of Bowery and Houston Streets. Where other people saw a vacant lot, they saw a community garden. People donated their time and talents. Local stores and nurseries donated vegetables clippings and seeds. They created the Bowery Houston Farm and Garden – and they sparked a movement.
The green guerillas began rallying other people to use community gardening as tool to reclaim urban land, stabilize city blocks, and get people working together to solve problems. Soon, dozens of community gardens bloomed throughout New York City, and neighbors formed vital grassroots groups.
Today, more than 600 community gardens serve as testaments to the skill, creativity, and determination of New York City’s community garders. They grow food for their families and neighbors. They connect city kids to the earth. They give seniors cool green spaces to pass summer days. They allow people to kneel down together and garden in the city.
Green Guerillas has grown and changed along with the movement. Today, we are a vital nonprofit resource center, helping community gardeners cultivate community all year long."
So what's the big deal? What are you, some racist teabagger homophobe anti-Muslim hater person? What's wrong with trying to beautify cities?
One of the Green Guerillas' main sugar daddies is the Scherman Foundation.
From the good folks at David Horowitz's Discover the Networks:
"The Scherman Foundation was established in 1941 by Harry Scherman, founder of the Book-of-the-Month Club, as a small family foundation. Since its inception, the Scherman Foundation has made more than 6,400 grants whose aggregate value exceeds $100 million. Its principal funding interests include the environment, human rights and liberties, peace and security, reproductive rights and services, the arts, and social welfare. Funding is concentrated on groups that promote leftist agendas in each of these areas.
The Scherman Foundation's 2004 grants were apportioned as follows: $568,000 to the arts; $830,000 to environmental groups; $490,000 to human rights and liberties groups; $270,000 to 'peace and security' groups; $460,000 for 'reproductive rights and services'; $1,472,500 for social welfare; and $248,500 for miscellaneous recipients.
The Scherman Foundation is a member organization of both the Peace and Security Funders Group and the International Human Rights Funders Group (IHRFG); the latter is a network of more than six-dozen grantmakers dedicated to funding leftist groups and causes."
And here's another interesting tidbit, about the Green Guerillas' benefactors, once again from Discover the Networks:
"Sandra Silverman, President and Executive Director of the Scherman Foundation, has in recent years contributed money to the political campaigns of John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Kennedy. In 2005 she was a signatory to a Statement reaffirming support for the resolutions of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo, Egypt. At the ICPD, representatives from nations around the world 'committed to an action plan to ensure universal access to reproductive health information and services, uphold fundamental human rights including sexual and reproductive rights, alleviate poverty, secure gender equality, and protect the environment.' "
The Scherman Fund helps to fund many leftist freak groups, such as Nazi collaborator George $oros' Tides Foundation, the ACLU, Greenpeace, the race-baiting NAACP, the baby killers at Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation, and The Con Artists Formerly Known As ACORN.
If that wasn't politically charged enough for you, the Green Guerillas do more than violate the property rights of others.
They're....(drum roll, please)...COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS!
"Community Organizing
As community garden leaders serve their communities and act as catalysts for community change, they face organizing and organizational challenges that can be daunting. Green Guerillas helps them take on these challenges and cultivate community all year long. We help garden leaders reach out to their neighbors, recruit new members, create group structures, organize events, and make important alliances with each other and with other grassroots groups in their neighborhoods."***
Not a smidgen of corruption, huh?
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