Thursday, April 17, 2014

Christians Are The New Kikes

Hermann Goering, the Third Reich's version Al Sharpton, once quipped that he would not want to be a Jew in Germany.

If Goering were alive today, I'm sure he would say he would say the very same thing on his PMSNBC show, with only one slight change: Goering wouldn't be mentioning the Jews. He would say that he wouldn't want to be a Christian in the United States.

You see, ladies and gentlemen, Christians are the the new kikes.

Now, let's get a little housekeeping out of the way. I'm Jewish. I have the embarrassing Bar Mitzvah pictures to prove it. Not only that, I have nothing but respect for the Christian religion, no matter what the denomination is. So, no, I'm not some Stormfront turd. Spare me your outrage, real or imagined.

Now that the politicalcorrectthink BS is out of the way, back to my original statement, as controversial as it may sound: Christians have become the new kikes. The word "Christian" has become an insult these days. It has become synonymous with intolerance. The word now unfairly carries a connotation of hatred, even through the word, in actuality, is the very antithesis of it.

Where have we heard this before? You know, a religion being demonized by an unfriendly and partisan "news" media and its adherents persecuted? Yep. Nazi Germany. (Screw the "Godwin Rule". Who in the hell died and left him in charge, anyway?)

Don't believe me?

Take a gander at this billboard:

This wonderful piece of tolerance was placed in Times Square on December 6th, 2013 by the "American"Atheists, a fringe atheist group. (It kinda looks like some the signs Hitler and company was forced to remove before the 1936 Olympics, huh?)

No, a big deal was not made of this by the so-called media. Yeah, FOX News ran a few spots on it to make Bill O'Reilly/ Will McAvoy feel like he's "looking out for the folks", but for the most part it was a non-story.

But you know, it would have been a national debate of epic proportions if the above sign read "Who needs Jews during Christmas?" Abe Foxman and his Pseudo-Jew Liberal Jihadis would be all over it like on white on rice, and there's a pretty good chance that Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center smear machine would be all over it, too. (In other words, David Horowitz and Pamela Gellar would be blamed for spreading antisemitism on their website.) And of course, Hugobama and his comrades in the Federal Leviathan would involve themselves. Sure, El Presidente is a Jew hating admirer of the Muslim Brotherhood, but he can't help himself when his misery pimp instincts kick in. (I could totally see him saying, "If I had a son, he would look like Sol Rosenberg", couldn't you?)

Then, there's there's the Hobby Lobby matter. For those of you who haven't been paying attention, Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius is about the religious Christian management of the Hobby Lobby corporation refusing to pay for abortifacient drugs as per the directives of the Obamacareless scheme. Naturally, the Green family was treated as if they were batshit crazy.

From Jezebel Magazine:


"Ugh, you [Hobby Lobby attorney Kyle Duncan] rubber cement-huffing nincompoop. Emergency contraception doesn't cause abortions, no matter how many times you repeat it.

Anyway, I'm all for Hobby Lobby (and all other organizations that think birth control is totes gross) ignoring the law. If they keep this up for long enough, we won't have to worry about the fiscal cliff.

And I suppose that now's as good a time as any to confess publicly that 'Hobby Lobby' is the nickname I've given my vagina."


Minus references to vagina nicknames, this was pretty much the attitude Hobby Lobby received from the left and their willing accomplices in the so-called media. It was a show of viciousness that would have aroused Heinrich Himmler almost as fast as a picture of Ernst Roehm doing squat thrusts wearing Bavarian shorty-shorts.

Now of course, this reaction from the hatemongers on the left was as predictable as a losing season for the Miami Dolphins. Let's have some fun with this scenario and turn it around. What if Obamacareless only covered pork based insulin? Would the media dare to criticize Muslim groups or allegedly Jewish groups like Abe Foxman's ADL for speaking out?  I'm putting all my chips on "no fucking way in hell".

Then, of course there's Bill Maher. 

Here's a few kind words from Bill about Christianity and religious, actual Jews:


"I'm reminded as we've just started Lent, that conservatives are always complaining about too much restraining regulation and how they love freedom, but they're the religious ones who voluntarily invent restrictions for themselves. On a hot summer day, Orthodox Jews wear black wool, on a cold winter night Mormons can't drink a hot chocolate... isn't life hard enough without making shit up out of thin air to fuck with yourself?"


Boy, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that this came from one of Julius Streicher's editorials in Der Sturmer instead of the Huffington and Puffington Post, wouldn't you?

Of course we could go on and on with former Boston mayor Thomas Menino stating that Chick Fil-A isn't welcome in his city for CEO Dan Cathey's statements that homosexual marriage is wrong, Dana Carvey's insulting Church Lady skits on the unwatchable Saturday Night Live, and countless other examples of out and out bigotry.

Ladies and gentlemen, here's the bottom line. I support the First Amendment. These folks have the right to say whatever they like. I don't want to see anti-blasphemy laws and I sure as hell don't want to live a theocracy. And I'd rather die of cancer of the eyes than live in a country with "hatespeech" laws. Enforced "tolerance" is a form of tyranny all its own, and it's as un-American as a concept as wanting to fundamentally transform the United States. Sure, anti-Christian bigotry has many political overtones, but it's not a problem that more government can fix.

Churches and actual Jewish synagogues need to lead the charge against this. The rabbis, the priests, and ministers of these institutions need to think less about their 501(c)(3) status and starting fighting back against this hate. They should lead boycotts against HBO, Jezebel, and other anti-Christian bigots. They also need to preach against the politicians who support this Nazi-like hate. (How Barry got away with accepting a million dollar campaign donation from Bill Maher unscathed is an injustice of cosmic proportions.)

Gang, we're on the edge of complete economic, political and social disaster. There's no denying it anymore, is there?

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