Every time a Conservative does so much as fart, there's always some liberal jackbootlicker there to correct or belittle him. For example: Oh, it smells ? You're a filthy capitalist war monger who ate Taco Bell as illegal alien families are being broken up. Oh, it was warm? You're destroying the environment by causing global warming. (Or is it global cooling? Climate change, perhaps? You and I simply call it "weather", but enough about us normal folk.) Oh, you left a skidmark? That caricature you drew of our Dog Eating Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama was racist and the Southern Poverty Law Center will consider you and your underwear an official hate group and rat you out to law enforcement. Oh, you got the Hershey squirts? Don't worry, our shaved Wookie of a First Lady will lecture you about a proper diet (despite the fact that her posterior wouldn't fit in Lesotho) and HUD will make sure your new government approved home, won't be located in a "food desert", but in a carefully engineered diverse community.
And it goes on and on and on....Ad nauseum, worse than watching a speech by Al Snore or Captain Hates America John Kerry in slo-mo after being given a horse tranquilizer.
Now, of course I'm doing what Rush Limbaugh calls "illustrating absurdity by being absurd" and I'm also tearing a page of Bill Maher's playbook by being as disgusting as humanly possible. But as repulsive as the above truly is, it does illuminate one important as hell question:
Who died and left the liberals in charge, anyway?
Now, please understand, I'm not talking about elections. Elections in themselves don't accurately measure the long term political and social views of the nation. They're merely snapshots, regardless of what the hangers on in the arrogant and lazy media will tell you. For proof, I give you Ronald Reagan and the Indonesian raised Barack Hussein Obama, servant of the Muslim Brotherhood. Reagan stood for limited government, defeating the Soviet Union, and capitalism. The former Barry Soetero believes in bloated, corrupt government, shaking hands and accepting books from communist Latin American dictators, and turning the United States into a Smiley Face Soviet Union. Yet, both were elected by the American people. (Granted, Obama had all kinds of help from the suck-ups in our charlatan media, the Black Panthers, donations from public sector unions and Goldman Sachs. 2008 was so fucking historic, the dead came out in record numbers to vote for the Hopey Changey Comrade.)
As was predictable as another year of mediocre at best Miami Dolphins football, Barack Obama's utopia quickly became a dystopia. Despite shoving a trillion fiat dollars into baseline spending with the Stimulus scam that funded things like Operation Fast and Furious, the economy still sucks and unemployment is still at nightmare levels. Obamacareless is a bigger disaster than anyone could have predicted. And in case anyone forgot (the media certainly has, but I digress), a couple of months ago, our Nobel Peace Prize winning White House Usurper wanted to start World War III in Syria and be on al-Qaeda's side. Many Americans, albeit far too late, realized that the guy who wanted to spread the wealth around was either criminally stupid or an enemy of the Republic that was going to accomplish what the Kaiser, Hitler, the Soviet Union, and Osama bin Laden failed to do--destroy the United States. The social revolution didn't really take off, either. Normal, everyday Americans still hate waiting at the DMV, they're not bragging about their son's homosexual "marriage", they're still showing complete strangers pictures of their grandchildren, not pictures of their daughter's third partial birth abortion, and no one is demanding free contraception at drug stores.
Despite all of the above failure and in the past, with Woodrow Wilson helping to set the stage of World War II with the Treaty of Versailles, the ticking time bombs (A figure of speech, NSA agent. Sit back and drink your coffee. Everything is gonna be all right.) that are Socialist Security, Mediscare, and Medicaid, the War on Poverty creating more poverty, being for segregation before they were against it, midnight basketball, and using fat girls as ash trays, liberals feel they have the right to tell the rest of what to do and think.
And they do. With a wagging finger and a Chris Christie sized ego, no less.
You see, ladies and gentlemen, there is a grave danger in all of this. The philosophy I've outlined above is the philosophy of the vast majority of those who work for the government in non-defense jobs. No, I'm not talking about the parasites in CONgress or the $oros Henchman in Chief. They can always be defeated in theory or they serve their time and get really rich sitting on boards and making speeches for 500k a clip. What I'm talking about are the animals who are more equal than the rest of us--the bloated federal bureaucracy. They make their own laws with financial and criminal penalties. They're buying ammunition. Hell, they're listening to your phone calls and groping you at the airport. The bureaucracy, as Mark Levin brilliantly points out, is not affected by elections. We don't know who they are, but they're doing their best to shove us in Promise Neighborhoods and make decisions with with Environmental Justice in mind.
Who died and left the liberals in charge? I think I have the answer. Our Liberty, our precious Liberty, has been slowly murdered by the Progressive Movement ever since it slithered out of the primordial ooze of failed European political theory.
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