Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Smiley Face Genocide

When examining the horror that has been the Obama Error, one has to push past the corny slogans, the Castro-like speeches, the political hatchet men, the sycophants in the arrogant and lazy media, and the malfunctioning automaton liberal followers to get to the truth.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's my sad duty to inform you that we're being exterminated.

Granted, to the best of my knowledge, no one is being shoved into gas chambers or being forced to dig their own graves in preparation for a bullet in the back of the head. But the extermination of a people doesn't always require violence. Sometimes all you need to do is fundamentally transform a country and voila! We the People become We the Comrades and the American people disappear like the Etruscans.

Modern America is not a place that's united by ethnicity or religion.We are united by the idea of liberty. For example, I am of Italian and Afrikaner heritage on my mother's side and Greek and Jewish on my father's side. Mrs. Absolutely Nobama is 100% Italian, straight from the Old Country (also known as Long Island). Yet,we're both Americans and a zillion percent proud of it. Mr. Patel, the guy who sells me my Skoal and coffee every morning, is 100% American and has a son who wants to join the Marine Corps after high school. My neighbor, Mrs.Quinones, fled Castro's "Worker's Paradise" in the 80's and can't look at picture of Obama without saying communista. (She also makes the world's greatest arroz con pollo.) This story isn't unique, as it's repeated all over the country, nor am I trying brag about being tolerant, the way liberals do. Mr. Patel and Mrs.Quinones aren't personal friends. I'm a wreck without my Skoal and coffee and Mrs. Quinones just happens to live down the hall and likes to share leftovers with her neighbors. We make small talk and interact, not because of some regulation or some feel good law, we're simply fellow citizens trying to make our way in the world, nothing more and nothing less.

We normal people call the above "every day life". The Authoritarian Left calls the above a "weakness to exploit".

You see, the Socialist Dystopians like Dear Leader Obama and his pals Johnny Boehner and Mitch McConman realize that if you destroy and distort the idea of individual liberty, you destroy America. They have every intention of filling Mrs.Quinones' head with ideas that Conservatives hate her because she happens to be from Latin America. They have every intention of taking as much wealth from Mr. Patel as possible, because as Chairman Obama says, at a certain point, he's made enough money and someone else should benefit from his 80 hours a week behind a cash register. And Mrs. Nobama and I are white, married, heterosexual, and gun owners, therefore we're the scum of the earth (which seems be getting cooler by the second) according to the Dystopians.

Every unconstitutional government program whether it's the New Deal, the Not-So-Great Society, or Obamacareless, is not only bankrupting the country at breakneck speed, it's destroying the American people. Every infringement of the Constitution, whether it's forcing Catholic nuns to pay for abortions, attempting to outlaw "assault" weapons, or having the NSA snoop around in your email, the American people are being destroyed. Not physically mind you, but in spirit.

Chris Christie, the bloated RINO governor of New Jersey, once quipped that “We are not a debating society. We are a political operation that needs to win." Not true, fatso. We don't need a political operation to win a damn thing. We need a government that isn't trying to destroy the American people with Smiley Face Genocide.

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