It's not a stretch of the imagination to say that the United States of America is on the edge of complete and total economic, political, and social disaster. The socialist scam known as Obamacare is ravaging the economy and destroying the greatest healthcare system in the world. The NSA is spying on American citizens instead of Islamonazi terrorists. The Infernal Revenue Service has become the Democrat Party's personal Gestapo, harassing the political enemies of the unholy Obama Regime. Homosexual "marriage" is being pushed down the throats of the American people by commie liberal judicial oligarchs who would sooner use the Constitution as toilet paper than actually defend it, as they have sworn to do. And oh yes, before I forget, the limp-wristed Republican't "leadership" in CONgress is either collaborating the the National Socialist Left, or too stupid to see what's going on. (At this stage of the game, does the reason why even matter anymore? The damage is done and may very well be permanent.)
To say following today's news sucks would be the understatement of the year.
Then, a magical, wonderful thing happened. Nelson Mandela dropped dead and got a one way ticket straight to Hell where he belongs.
You see, ladies and gentlemen, despite what the lapdogs in our arrogant and useless media will tell you, Nelson Mandela was the absolute scum of the earth. He allied himself with the murderous Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He trained in terrorist camps in Algeria. He thought Fidel Castro and Yasser Arafat were righteous dudes. He founded the Umkhonto we Sizwe, or "Spear of The Nation" terrorist group. Mandela's African National Congress (ANC) also ran "reeducation camps" in Angola, Tanzania, and Uganda that would have made Pol Pot jealous. As the president of South Africa, he did nothing to stop the farm attacks that have claimed countless Afrikaner lives and had all kinds of fun singing "Shoot the Farmer, Kill the Boer."
I know there will be those who credit Mandela with ending apartheid in South Africa and this couldn't be further from the truth. Mandela didn't give a damn about liberating anyone, he just wanted his Xhosa tribe to dominate South Africa's government. If you don't believe me, you can always ask the Zulus of the Inkatha Freedom Party (an American-style Conservative party of the Zulu Nation) who survived the ANC's vicious attacks in the 1990's. Their crime? The Inkatha Freedom Party wanted independence for the Zulu tribe and didn't believe that violence was necessary to end apartheid, since the vast majority South African whites (the only people allowed by the ruling National Party to vote at the time) wanted it gone. Just like segregation in the American South, apartheid was a government institution, not a social one. (Apartheid was originally started in South Africa by labor unions to keep non-union blacks out of the gold and diamond mines. In other words, it has the same origin American labor unions do.)
The bottom line is this, gang: This is not my Martin Bashir moment. Everything I've written above can easily confirmed with a nifty little journalism tool I like to call "Bing". (With enough patient supervision, even a "reporter" from the New York Slimes could have found it.) Nelson Mandela had no right whatsoever to die with the comfort of top-notch medical care that is denied to most South Africans despite the fact that it's a right guaranteed by the South African constitution (that Ruth Vader Ginsburg thinks is better than the US Constitution). He should have been executed for his crimes, just like any other mass murdering pig.
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