- Life begins at the moment of conception. Abortion, for any reason real or imagined, is murder.
- The Right to Bear Arms is an unalienable right that the government cannot infringe on in any way. Background checks, "assault weapon" bans, magazine capacity rules, and the like are completely unconstitutional.
- Global warming is as much of a fraud as the "Next Ice Age" scare of the 1970's.
- Illegal aliens are criminals and should be treated as such. There should be no amnesty for illegal aliens whatsoever. All illegal aliens should be deported without exception.
- The Constitution should be interpreted exactly as it's written without exception.
- Marriage is between a man and a woman only.
- Capitalism is the only economic system that works.
- Radical Islam is just as dangerous as the Axis Powers and the Soviet Union.
Basic stuff, right ?
For We the Conservatives, absolutely. This is our meat and drink. This is who we are. The above self evident truths are in our souls. The vast majority of us are not willing to compromise one iota on any of them for a variety of heartfelt reasons. (Memo to arrogant and lazy media: Yeah, yeah, it's because we're all a bunch of racists, blah, blah, blah. Got it.)
So here's the Hundred Trillion Dollar Question: Why do we, as Conservatives, keep voting for the Sit-Down-When-They-G-O-Pee ? (Say it fast, you'll get it.)
For every truth I've listed above, there is a Republican, either in political office or as a useless talking head doing their best to fight against them. The laughable Mitt Trotsky was all for abortion as long as the "mother's life was in danger". TEA Party traitor Pat Toomey allied himself with the radical far left and tried to obliterate the Second Amendment. During the 2008 Popularity Contest, court jester John McLame made cap and trade part of his platform. Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan have decided that illegal alien criminals should be granted amnesty. John McLame (like a bad penny, isn't he ?) teamed up with Pus Feingold and declared war on the First Amendment. Michele Bachmann thinks it's Constitutional and perfectly A-OK to have the NSA spy on American citizens. Rob Portman and Ileana Ros-Lethinen are cheering for homosexual "marriage". Tokyo Rove and Charles Krauthammer are doing their level headed best to make sure that the socialist scam known as Obamacareless is funded. The rotund Chris Christie has never met an Islamonazi that he didn't want to make a judge. I could go on and on about the Weeper of the House and Mitch McConman, but this paragraph is long enough and depressing enough already.
I'm not exactly sold on the idea of a third party, but I'm becoming more and more open to it every day. Sure, there are some rock solid Conservatives in the party and in the media (Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Louie Gohmert, Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh to name a few), but let's face it, they are becoming marginalized in today's Sit-Down-When-They-G-O-Pee. They're derided as "hobbits" and relegated to the nether regions of the party, despite the fact that the vast majority of the base agrees with them. As their influence wanes, so does our liberty. I don't have all the answers and I'm not going to pretend that I do, but I at least know what question to ask:
Why should I vote GOP ?
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