Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Literally, The Police State Is Coming

In between bowls of chicken poodle soup and deciding to provide air cover for al-Qaeda in Syria, our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama, found time to meet with mayors from our crumbling major cities.

From Justin Sink of The Hill:


"President Obama told a collection of big-city mayors Tuesday at the White House that he would continue to use executive actions to combat gun violence plaguing major cities.

In the meeting with Attorney General Eric Holder and the mayors of 18 cities from across the nation, Obama discussed commonly applicable strategies to reduce youth violence.

'He also vowed to continue doing everything in his power to combat gun violence through executive action and to press Congress to pass common-sense reforms like expanding the background check system and cracking down on gun trafficking,' the White House said in a statement."


Once you get past the fact that this is the President of the United States talking about violating the Constitution he swore to Allah to uphold, this doesn't seem to be what Joe Bite Me would term a "big f'ing deal". At first glance, the above looks like Barry is just being Barry, pandering to his moonbat base that is getting more and more fed up with the fact that he can't lower the oceans and keep the United States from waging war on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood.

But of course, that view is criminally negligent. We no longer live in times that allow us to shrug our shoulders and say, "Naah, that could never happen here." We now live in times that force us to say, "I sure as hell hope that ain't true." This a very big "f'ing deal", indeed.

You see, ladies and gentlemen, this meeting, much like the Obamacare meetings, was held behind closed doors. Just like nothing good happens after midnight, nothing good happens when Marxists meet behind closed doors.

Of course, out of this circus of stupidity came the obligatory statement from Obummer that he was going to unilaterally write and enforce his own gun control regulations. Naturally, that was as predictable as Candy Crowley going to town at a buffet. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say it involves the Federal Leviathan treating the Constitution like old chewing gum on the sole of its jackboot. Basically, King Hussein has decided that his subjects may not purchase imported World War II-era M1 Garand rifles and now the gang members in his adopted hometown of Chicago can't use corporations to buy their "gats". But that can't be the only thing they talked about. The mayors couldn't have possibly flown thousands of miles to clap like overfed seals to hear applause lines that aren't going to do a blessed thing to stop crime.

Perhaps they were discussing this, or a plan like it, all in the name of public safety of course:


"An organization representing police chiefs from major cities around the U.S. is promoting an initiative to strengthen intelligence collection at the local level, increasing the integration of state and local law enforcement into the larger structure of the U.S. intelligence community.

In 2011, the Major Cities Chiefs’ Association (MCCA) began the initiative aimed at strengthening domestic intelligence collection efforts and creating a 'more defined, whole-of-government architecture that interconnects and better integrates state and local criminal intelligence and counterterrorism operations.' The Major Cities Chiefs’ Criminal Intelligence Enterprise (CIE) is an effort to create 'better connectivity' between 'state and local counterterrorism and intelligence units and among locally-led operations, fusion centers, and federally-led operations' such as Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) and Field Intelligence Groups (FIGs). The initiative is being organized around the  pre-existing infrastructure of the Major Cities Chiefs’ Intelligence Commanders Group (MCCICG), a working group of the MCCA that played a significant role in creating the unified national suspicious activity reporting process."


Now, for craps and giggles, let's compare the MCCA's police chief roster to the guest list of Commander Zer0's shindig.

Here is the MCCA's American member cities:


Atlanta, Georgia
Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore County, Maryland
Boston, Massachusetts
Buffalo, New York
Charlotte-Mecklenburg, No Carolina
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Detroit, Michigan
Fairfax County, Virginia
Greater Manchester, UK
Indianapolis, Indiana
Jacksonville, Florida
Louisville, Kentucky
Miami, FL
Miami-Dade, Florida
Montgomery County, Maryland
Nassau County, New York
New York City, New York
Newark, New Jersey
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Prince George’s Co, Maryland
Raleigh, North Carolina
Suffolk County, New York
Tampa, FL
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Washington D.C.

Arlington, Texas
Austin, Texas
Chicago, Illinois
Dallas, Texas
El Paso, Texas
Fort Worth, Texas
Houston, Texas
Kansas City, Missouri
Memphis, Tennessee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Nashville, Tennessee
New Orleans, Louisiana
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Omaha, NE
San Antonio, Texas
St. Louis, Missouri
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Aurora, CO
Denver, Colorado
Fresno, California
Honolulu, Hawaii
Las Vegas, Nevada
Los Angeles County, California
Los Angeles, California
Mesa, Arizona
Oakland, California
Phoenix, Arizona
Portland, Oregon
Sacramento, California
Salt Lake City, Utah
San Diego, California
San Francisco, California
San Jose, California
Seattle, Washington
Tucson, Arizona


And here's the list of liberal misery pimps that showed up to Chairman Obama's commie ho-down. Every mayor whose chief of police is a member of the MCCA will be marked with a [*]


The following mayors attended the meeting:
  • Mayor Greg Ballard (Indianapolis, IN) [*]
  • Mayor Tom Barrett (Milwaukee, WI) [*]
  • Mayor Cory Booker (Newark, NJ)    [*]
  • Mayor Vincent Gray (Washington, DC) [*]
  • Mayor Sly James (Kansas City, MO) [*]
  • Mayor Kevin Johnson (Sacramento, CA) [*]
  • Mayor Mitch Landrieu (New Orleans, LA)[*]
  • Mayor Mark Mallory (Cincinnati, OH) [*]
  • Mayor Michael Nutter (Philadelphia, PA) [*]
  • Mayor Annise Parker (Houston, TX) [*]
  • Mayor Jean Quan (Oakland, CA) [*]
  • Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (Baltimore, MD) [*]
  • Mayor Kasim Reed (Atlanta, GA) [*]
  • Mayor RT Rybak (Minneapolis, MN) [*]
  • Mayor Francis Slay (St. Louis, MO) [*]
  • Mayor Dayne Walling (Flint, MI)
  • Mayor Molly Ward (Hampton, VA)
  • Mayor AC Wharton (Memphis, TN) [*]

(The list is courtesy of the White House)



Well, whaddaya know ? 16 of the 18 cities had a police chief that is a member of the MCCA! What a co-winkydink!

Now here's the funny part. The MCCA, in addition to wanting to create its own Mini-Me NSA, wants to slice and dice our Right To Bear Arms.


"That’s why we [the MCCA] looked to the U.S. Senate for courage and leadership on gun violence, to enact reforms that are long overdue. With 94 % of the public asking for better gun laws, we expected the Senate to do what cops do–protect the public. But a minority of Senators protected themselves instead of the American people. That’s a disgrace.

A handful of courageous Senators had offered bills to enact modest Federal reforms intended to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, laws already on the books in many of the States. None of the proposed reforms would have taken guns from anyone and there were no plans for gun registration or licensing. Nothing to threaten those who own guns for recreation, sporting and hunting. But the gun lobby said 'No' to all of it, and when weak Senators caved into the pressure, these common-sense measuresdid not pass. Not one of them......Like all the cops who put on a uniform each day, Chiefs of Police will not give up
on Washington. We will continue our struggle for laws that protect the public from gun violence. Just  as the public knows their police will be there for them, the Chiefs want Americans to know that we are not giving up and going away. This was a week that should forge a new resolve. 
The grief of the Newtown families and spirit of Boston’s citizens and police will not be lost on those of us who are committed to public safety."
Hey gang, we're in trouble.....

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