Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Pseudo-Jews Strike Again!

The Pseudo-Jews strike again. Another knife in the back. Et tu, Shlomo ?

Now, before I get myself in some hot water and get charged with a hate crime or something, I'm going to come right out and say it. I'm Jewish. I eat bagels and lox like it's going out of style. I cry like a baby every time I watch Schindler's List. I call my mother every chance I get, despite the fact that I'm wracked with guilt for hours afterword. I spend every Passover at my Aunt Esther's house and make small talk with relatives I can't stand. If that isn't proof that I'm Jewish, I'll show you some embarrassing Bar Mitzvah photos after a few Jack and Cokes.

Now that the politicalcorrectthink crap is out of the way, I will now proceed to tear into the 70% of my fellow "Jews" who voted  to reelect Barack HUSSEIN Obama, friend to the Muzzie Brotherhood. Yep, you read that right, Dear Reader. According to World Net Daily, ( 70% of the Jewish vote went to the dog-eating piece of human debris that bowed to the inbred king of Saudi Arabia and made it a point to treat Bibi Netanyahu like he had some sort of communicable disease. Yeah, the same former Barry Soetero who's in Nazi collaborator George $oros's back pocket got more than a super majority of the Jewish vote.

Let me go out on a limb and say something very, very controversial. This is like a Jewish lawyer begging for leniency for the likes of Goring, Frank, and Kaltenbrunner at the Nuremberg Trial. It is that vile and detestable.

Gasp! How dare you ?!

I dare say it because the facts are on my side. Our Kenyan Fuhrer has:

  • stated it would be best if Israel shrunk down to its indefensible 1967 borders.
  • helped install Muzzie Brotherhood Islamonazi regimes in Libya and Egypt that are committed to murdering every Jew in Israel.
  • refused to help the Green Revolution in Iran that wanted to topple Mahmoud Ahmedinjad, another  lunatic who wants to commit genocide.
  • embraced the Occupy Wall Street movement that was infested with Neo-Nazis and antisemites.
  • been endorsed by notorious Jew haters Louis Farrakhan, Malik Zulu Shabazz, and believe it or not, White Aryan Resistance leader Tom Metzger.

Not only that, my "fellow" Jews, with their vote for Pharaoh Obama, has given a stamp of approval for:

  • the vicious persecution of Catholics through Obamacare.
  • the infanticide known abortion.
  • homosexual "marriage".

Now, I'm no rabbinical scholar or anything, but I'm fairly certain God finds the above concepts to be abominations. Last time I checked, we Jews worship God. Crazy, but true.

I don't know what to say anymore, Pseudo-Jews. This is inexcusable. This is far beyond the pale. You're succeeding where Hitler failed. You're destroying the United States of America and Judaism. I hope what ever justification you have for this was worth it to you. I hope it was worth spitting on the unmarked graves in Poland and Greece that house many of my great aunts, uncles, and cousins. I really do.

On that cheery note, I leave you with this gem from the All Democrats League (ADL):


"We congratulate President Barack Obama on his re-election victory and wish him well as he begins to chart a course for the country over the next four years.

As President Obama made clear in his acceptance speech last night, America has many challenges ahead.  We look forward to working with the president and his administration to support many of the common values we share for a strong America and a strong State of Israel."


To my Jewish brothers and sisters who did the right thing on Terrible Tuesday, thank you. I will always stand with you, just as I will always stand with my Catholic and Protestant brothers and sisters who did the right thing.

As for you, Pseudo-Jews.....go shove another spare rib in your mouth.


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