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Jew hater Ron Paul gave his farewell address to CONgress.
To Ron Paul, the patron saint of malcontents, druggies, and weirdos, I say this: Screw you and good riddance.
Now I know that sounds harsh, but let's face it gang, one of the reasons why we have another four years of of the Hope and Che Guy is Ron Paul. Yeah, I'm going to come right out and say it and I don't give a damn who calls me a "neocon" for saying so. The truth must be told, consequences be damned.
Now, before you call me nuts, really sit and think about it: Did RuPaul (H/T Mark Levin) or his Stormfront troopers attack Mitt Romney and his RINO-riffic campaign during the Republican primaries ? No. They attacked Conservatives like Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich, forcing them to waste valuable time and valuable resources defending themselves from baseless attack after baseless attack. (In other words, Cut and Run Paul was Romney's wing man.) To be fair, there's no way of knowing of whether or not one of them would have beaten our Dear Leader (and his dead and imaginary voters), but I'm willing to go out on a limb and say they had a better chance than Romney ever did. At least they stood for something, which is something Romney really can't say with a straight face.
After the primaries ended, and Red Skull Ron was handed yet another predictable loss, did he rally his troops and say, "Look, we lost. But now is not the time to dwell on that. Get out there and support Romney before the country is destroyed by Obama, and that goes for you folks in the Gary Johnson and Virgil Goode camps as well" ? Nope. We got none of that. Instead, we got silence or "Buy my swag! Half-off!" Would this have made a difference ? I don't know, but I'm fairly certain that it wouldn't have hurt. (Yes, I know I lambasted Romney in the previous paragraph, but he did win. Shrimpy should have done the right thing and got behind the primary winner. Bachmann did it, Santorum did it, and so did Gingrich.)
The funny thing about this is the fact that I agree with the Surrender Monkey on several issues. I'm all for auditing the Federal Reserve. I'm all for repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments. I'm all for the US giving the UN the social finger. I am, after all, a hard right winger and I make no apologies for that whatsoever. When Ron Paul isn't blaming the US for 9/11, attacking the military, pushing the homosexual agenda, calling the infanticide known as abortion a "states rights issue", calling the OWS barbarians "victims", or coddling America's Islamonazi enemies, the man makes sense. (Cue up the tired "broken clock" analogy.) I can't and won't deny it. But at the same time I couldn't be happier watching Ron Paul become a meaningless footnote in American history. As far as I'm concerned, another career politician is gone, and last time I checked, that's always a good thing.
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