Al Michaels: Newton drops comes the blitz from the Giants! Newton on the move...wobbly pass ....interception! Number 23 for the Giants, cornerback Corey Webster has it! 10...5...Touchdown!
Chris Collingsworth ( during the replay): What a terrible, and I do mean TERRIBLE throw by Cam Newton. I can't even call it a pass. Here he sees the double coverage with Webster and Kenny Phillips on number 89, Steve Smith, and he just unloads a dying duck regardless for a pick six. Cam Newton has just lost the game for the Panthers. No doubt about it.
Al Michaels: Chris, why are you such a racist ? I think you're criticizing Cam's play because you're used to having a white quarterback, probably with blue eyes and blond hair. Don't you know how much pressure there is on a person of color playing quarterback in the NFL ? I'm willing to bet Joe Montana never had to deal with bigoted catcalls from the press box the way Cam does from people like you.
Chris Collingsworth: I---I----
Al Michaels: Save it for the next Tea Party rally, David Duke! I'm outta here!
Obviously, in the above hypothetical, I'm using the old Rush Limbaugh trick of "illustrating absurdity by being absurd". The above would never happen in the real world, right ?
Maybe not in sports, but it happens every day in the world of the wacky world of lib politicians and their willing accomplices in the arrogant and lazy media. It doesn't matter if they're defending Jamie Foxx's "lord and savior" Barack HUSSEIN Obama, professional cover-up artist Susan Rice, or some other waste of human DNA, it's always the same game plan: Play the race card no matter what the issue is, even if you're a pasty white liberal living in the 'burbs who rolls up his windows whenever he drives his Volt through a black neighborhood.
The sad truth of this line of thinking is that it's, well.....racist. The whole "minorities are blameless, no matter what" tactic of the Clueless Left is incredibly demeaning. As has been explained by Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin (and to be fair, countless others, but not nearly as well), it reduces minorities to a permanent child-like status and robs them of their individuality, which is one of God's greatest gifts to man.
Now of course, I don't ever expect the libs to ever understand the above paragraph. They're utterly incapable of rational thought and not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. So, for their convenience, I've created a handy dandy study guide of what is actual racism:
It was racist when the Democrat party supported slavery.
It was racist when the Democrat party formed the Ku Klux Klan.
It was racist when Democrat president and hero to the Progressivik movement Woodrow Wilson segregated the United States military.
It was racist when Margaret Sanger started Planned Parenthood, in part, to exterminate blacks.
It was racist when Democrat President Franklin Dictator Roosevelt rounded up American citizens of Japanese descent and put them in concentr---er, uh, "internment camps".
It was racist when Democrat Bull Connor used fire hoses and police dogs on Civil Rights protesters.
It was racist when Democrat governor of Arkansas Orval Faubus deployed the Arkansas National Guard to prevent black kids from attending Little Rock Central High School.
It was racist every time former Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan and proud Democrat Robert Byrd was reelected.
It was racist when noted Democrat Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as "hymies" and New York as "Hymietown".
It was racist when noted Democrat Al Sharpton called Jews "diamond merchants" and fanned the flames of the Crown Heights riot.
It was racist when the future Chairman Obama called his own grandmother a "typical white person".
It was racist that the Democrat party's propaganda wing, PMSNBC, gave Al Sharpton a television show. (That no one watches, I'll admit, but it's still highly aggravating.)
It was racist when every lib supported the same Occupy Wall Street (bowel) Movement that the American Nazi party did.
It was racist when the source of Chris Mathews' naughtiest thoughts, Barack Obama, gave a shout out to Nelson Mandela, whose African National Congress is currently committing genocide against the Afrikaner people.
The bottom line is this, gang: There is real racism that often leads to horror and there is imaginary racism that helps to obscure real racism. I'd like to say that America knows the difference, (In 2010 I could have. Feels like it was decades ago, huh?) but with the reelection of our Dear Leader and the re-emergence of the mindless "minorities are blameless, no matter what" tactic, but I can't, and at the rate we're going, I don't think I ever will.
We're on the edge of complete social, economic, and political disaster. I can't gussy it up. I can't make it sound palatable. It is what it is. God help us all, the end is nigh.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Screw You, Ron Paul
An error ended.
Jew hater Ron Paul gave his farewell address to CONgress.
To Ron Paul, the patron saint of malcontents, druggies, and weirdos, I say this: Screw you and good riddance.
Now I know that sounds harsh, but let's face it gang, one of the reasons why we have another four years of of the Hope and Che Guy is Ron Paul. Yeah, I'm going to come right out and say it and I don't give a damn who calls me a "neocon" for saying so. The truth must be told, consequences be damned.
Now, before you call me nuts, really sit and think about it: Did RuPaul (H/T Mark Levin) or his Stormfront troopers attack Mitt Romney and his RINO-riffic campaign during the Republican primaries ? No. They attacked Conservatives like Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich, forcing them to waste valuable time and valuable resources defending themselves from baseless attack after baseless attack. (In other words, Cut and Run Paul was Romney's wing man.) To be fair, there's no way of knowing of whether or not one of them would have beaten our Dear Leader (and his dead and imaginary voters), but I'm willing to go out on a limb and say they had a better chance than Romney ever did. At least they stood for something, which is something Romney really can't say with a straight face.
After the primaries ended, and Red Skull Ron was handed yet another predictable loss, did he rally his troops and say, "Look, we lost. But now is not the time to dwell on that. Get out there and support Romney before the country is destroyed by Obama, and that goes for you folks in the Gary Johnson and Virgil Goode camps as well" ? Nope. We got none of that. Instead, we got silence or "Buy my swag! Half-off!" Would this have made a difference ? I don't know, but I'm fairly certain that it wouldn't have hurt. (Yes, I know I lambasted Romney in the previous paragraph, but he did win. Shrimpy should have done the right thing and got behind the primary winner. Bachmann did it, Santorum did it, and so did Gingrich.)
The funny thing about this is the fact that I agree with the Surrender Monkey on several issues. I'm all for auditing the Federal Reserve. I'm all for repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments. I'm all for the US giving the UN the social finger. I am, after all, a hard right winger and I make no apologies for that whatsoever. When Ron Paul isn't blaming the US for 9/11, attacking the military, pushing the homosexual agenda, calling the infanticide known as abortion a "states rights issue", calling the OWS barbarians "victims", or coddling America's Islamonazi enemies, the man makes sense. (Cue up the tired "broken clock" analogy.) I can't and won't deny it. But at the same time I couldn't be happier watching Ron Paul become a meaningless footnote in American history. As far as I'm concerned, another career politician is gone, and last time I checked, that's always a good thing.
Jew hater Ron Paul gave his farewell address to CONgress.
To Ron Paul, the patron saint of malcontents, druggies, and weirdos, I say this: Screw you and good riddance.
Now I know that sounds harsh, but let's face it gang, one of the reasons why we have another four years of of the Hope and Che Guy is Ron Paul. Yeah, I'm going to come right out and say it and I don't give a damn who calls me a "neocon" for saying so. The truth must be told, consequences be damned.
Now, before you call me nuts, really sit and think about it: Did RuPaul (H/T Mark Levin) or his Stormfront troopers attack Mitt Romney and his RINO-riffic campaign during the Republican primaries ? No. They attacked Conservatives like Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich, forcing them to waste valuable time and valuable resources defending themselves from baseless attack after baseless attack. (In other words, Cut and Run Paul was Romney's wing man.) To be fair, there's no way of knowing of whether or not one of them would have beaten our Dear Leader (and his dead and imaginary voters), but I'm willing to go out on a limb and say they had a better chance than Romney ever did. At least they stood for something, which is something Romney really can't say with a straight face.
After the primaries ended, and Red Skull Ron was handed yet another predictable loss, did he rally his troops and say, "Look, we lost. But now is not the time to dwell on that. Get out there and support Romney before the country is destroyed by Obama, and that goes for you folks in the Gary Johnson and Virgil Goode camps as well" ? Nope. We got none of that. Instead, we got silence or "Buy my swag! Half-off!" Would this have made a difference ? I don't know, but I'm fairly certain that it wouldn't have hurt. (Yes, I know I lambasted Romney in the previous paragraph, but he did win. Shrimpy should have done the right thing and got behind the primary winner. Bachmann did it, Santorum did it, and so did Gingrich.)
The funny thing about this is the fact that I agree with the Surrender Monkey on several issues. I'm all for auditing the Federal Reserve. I'm all for repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments. I'm all for the US giving the UN the social finger. I am, after all, a hard right winger and I make no apologies for that whatsoever. When Ron Paul isn't blaming the US for 9/11, attacking the military, pushing the homosexual agenda, calling the infanticide known as abortion a "states rights issue", calling the OWS barbarians "victims", or coddling America's Islamonazi enemies, the man makes sense. (Cue up the tired "broken clock" analogy.) I can't and won't deny it. But at the same time I couldn't be happier watching Ron Paul become a meaningless footnote in American history. As far as I'm concerned, another career politician is gone, and last time I checked, that's always a good thing.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
The Pseudo-Jews Strike Again!
The Pseudo-Jews strike again. Another knife in the back. Et tu, Shlomo ?
Now, before I get myself in some hot water and get charged with a hate crime or something, I'm going to come right out and say it. I'm Jewish. I eat bagels and lox like it's going out of style. I cry like a baby every time I watch Schindler's List. I call my mother every chance I get, despite the fact that I'm wracked with guilt for hours afterword. I spend every Passover at my Aunt Esther's house and make small talk with relatives I can't stand. If that isn't proof that I'm Jewish, I'll show you some embarrassing Bar Mitzvah photos after a few Jack and Cokes.
Now that the politicalcorrectthink crap is out of the way, I will now proceed to tear into the 70% of my fellow "Jews" who voted to reelect Barack HUSSEIN Obama, friend to the Muzzie Brotherhood. Yep, you read that right, Dear Reader. According to World Net Daily, ( 70% of the Jewish vote went to the dog-eating piece of human debris that bowed to the inbred king of Saudi Arabia and made it a point to treat Bibi Netanyahu like he had some sort of communicable disease. Yeah, the same former Barry Soetero who's in Nazi collaborator George $oros's back pocket got more than a super majority of the Jewish vote.
Let me go out on a limb and say something very, very controversial. This is like a Jewish lawyer begging for leniency for the likes of Goring, Frank, and Kaltenbrunner at the Nuremberg Trial. It is that vile and detestable.
Gasp! How dare you ?!
I dare say it because the facts are on my side. Our Kenyan Fuhrer has:
Not only that, my "fellow" Jews, with their vote for Pharaoh Obama, has given a stamp of approval for:
Now, I'm no rabbinical scholar or anything, but I'm fairly certain God finds the above concepts to be abominations. Last time I checked, we Jews worship God. Crazy, but true.
I don't know what to say anymore, Pseudo-Jews. This is inexcusable. This is far beyond the pale. You're succeeding where Hitler failed. You're destroying the United States of America and Judaism. I hope what ever justification you have for this was worth it to you. I hope it was worth spitting on the unmarked graves in Poland and Greece that house many of my great aunts, uncles, and cousins. I really do.
On that cheery note, I leave you with this gem from the All Democrats League (ADL):
"We congratulate President Barack Obama on his re-election victory and wish him well as he begins to chart a course for the country over the next four years.
As President Obama made clear in his acceptance speech last night, America has many challenges ahead. We look forward to working with the president and his administration to support many of the common values we share for a strong America and a strong State of Israel."
To my Jewish brothers and sisters who did the right thing on Terrible Tuesday, thank you. I will always stand with you, just as I will always stand with my Catholic and Protestant brothers and sisters who did the right thing.
As for you, Pseudo-Jews.....go shove another spare rib in your mouth.
Now, before I get myself in some hot water and get charged with a hate crime or something, I'm going to come right out and say it. I'm Jewish. I eat bagels and lox like it's going out of style. I cry like a baby every time I watch Schindler's List. I call my mother every chance I get, despite the fact that I'm wracked with guilt for hours afterword. I spend every Passover at my Aunt Esther's house and make small talk with relatives I can't stand. If that isn't proof that I'm Jewish, I'll show you some embarrassing Bar Mitzvah photos after a few Jack and Cokes.
Now that the politicalcorrectthink crap is out of the way, I will now proceed to tear into the 70% of my fellow "Jews" who voted to reelect Barack HUSSEIN Obama, friend to the Muzzie Brotherhood. Yep, you read that right, Dear Reader. According to World Net Daily, ( 70% of the Jewish vote went to the dog-eating piece of human debris that bowed to the inbred king of Saudi Arabia and made it a point to treat Bibi Netanyahu like he had some sort of communicable disease. Yeah, the same former Barry Soetero who's in Nazi collaborator George $oros's back pocket got more than a super majority of the Jewish vote.
Let me go out on a limb and say something very, very controversial. This is like a Jewish lawyer begging for leniency for the likes of Goring, Frank, and Kaltenbrunner at the Nuremberg Trial. It is that vile and detestable.
Gasp! How dare you ?!
I dare say it because the facts are on my side. Our Kenyan Fuhrer has:
- stated it would be best if Israel shrunk down to its indefensible 1967 borders.
- helped install Muzzie Brotherhood Islamonazi regimes in Libya and Egypt that are committed to murdering every Jew in Israel.
- refused to help the Green Revolution in Iran that wanted to topple Mahmoud Ahmedinjad, another lunatic who wants to commit genocide.
- embraced the Occupy Wall Street movement that was infested with Neo-Nazis and antisemites.
- been endorsed by notorious Jew haters Louis Farrakhan, Malik Zulu Shabazz, and believe it or not, White Aryan Resistance leader Tom Metzger.
Not only that, my "fellow" Jews, with their vote for Pharaoh Obama, has given a stamp of approval for:
- the vicious persecution of Catholics through Obamacare.
- the infanticide known abortion.
- homosexual "marriage".
Now, I'm no rabbinical scholar or anything, but I'm fairly certain God finds the above concepts to be abominations. Last time I checked, we Jews worship God. Crazy, but true.
I don't know what to say anymore, Pseudo-Jews. This is inexcusable. This is far beyond the pale. You're succeeding where Hitler failed. You're destroying the United States of America and Judaism. I hope what ever justification you have for this was worth it to you. I hope it was worth spitting on the unmarked graves in Poland and Greece that house many of my great aunts, uncles, and cousins. I really do.
On that cheery note, I leave you with this gem from the All Democrats League (ADL):
"We congratulate President Barack Obama on his re-election victory and wish him well as he begins to chart a course for the country over the next four years.
As President Obama made clear in his acceptance speech last night, America has many challenges ahead. We look forward to working with the president and his administration to support many of the common values we share for a strong America and a strong State of Israel."
To my Jewish brothers and sisters who did the right thing on Terrible Tuesday, thank you. I will always stand with you, just as I will always stand with my Catholic and Protestant brothers and sisters who did the right thing.
As for you, Pseudo-Jews.....go shove another spare rib in your mouth.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
We Lost...Who To Blame And Why
We lost.
We the People got our teeth kicked down our throat.
I know that sounds harsh, but let's face it fellow Republicans, we're members of a party that failed to defeat a racist, dog-eating, homosexual agenda pushing piece of human garbage who isn't qualified to be a cashier at 7-11, let alone be President of the United States. We, the party of strong economies and national defense, failed as a party to dislodge an economically illiterate man who hates the US military with a passion. In short, this election was an absolute train wreck that may very well destroy the Republic.
Why did this happen, and more importantly, who do we blame ?
The Republican party, like a kid who can't sit still, refuses to learn. Moderate Republicanism and RINOs suck. They're about as exciting as lukewarm bath water. They stand for absolutely nothing. And yet, time and time again, ever since Reagan, they're all the Republican party offers on the presidential stage. Bob Dole ran a tepid, lackluster campaign in 1996 that ended in defeat, as did John McCain in 2008, and Mitt Romney in 2012. Yes Bush I and II won, but let's face the cold hard reality about them. Bush I shed his Reaganite skin like a rattlesnake the moment Ronaldus Magnus went back to his ranch and proceeded to lose to accused rapist Bill Caligula. Bush II won and was magnificent on the War on Terror, but was Herbert Hoover on domestic policy.
To this day, I still have no idea what any of the above folks ran on. (Except for the 2004 election, when it was rather clear it was either Bush or pray to Mecca.) Bush I ? He was Reagan's Veep. Bob Dole ? No idea. Bush II's first run ? I dunno, I voted for Pat Buchanan because it wasn't Conservative, whatever it was. John McCain ? Well, it was his turn. Romney ? He wasn't the guy who bowed to the inbred king of Saudi Arabia. They never gave me a reason to support them, other than party loyalty. That's a horrid reason to vote for anyone. What's worse, they never gave libertarians, paleocons, Reagan Democrats, or independents a reason to vote for them, either. And hence, they lost (except for Bush II) and in some cases, in a rather embarrassing fashion.
Ladies and gentlemen, the reality of the situation is this: We the People need to take back the Republican party before we do anything else. We need to take over our local Republican parties and send the RINOs packing. Is it easier said than done ? Yep, but what choice do we have ? A third party won't save the day. Working with the communists in the Democrat party is unthinkable for a variety of obvious reasons. We need to stand up and say, "Dont Tread On Me."
We the People got our teeth kicked down our throat.
I know that sounds harsh, but let's face it fellow Republicans, we're members of a party that failed to defeat a racist, dog-eating, homosexual agenda pushing piece of human garbage who isn't qualified to be a cashier at 7-11, let alone be President of the United States. We, the party of strong economies and national defense, failed as a party to dislodge an economically illiterate man who hates the US military with a passion. In short, this election was an absolute train wreck that may very well destroy the Republic.
Why did this happen, and more importantly, who do we blame ?
The Republican party, like a kid who can't sit still, refuses to learn. Moderate Republicanism and RINOs suck. They're about as exciting as lukewarm bath water. They stand for absolutely nothing. And yet, time and time again, ever since Reagan, they're all the Republican party offers on the presidential stage. Bob Dole ran a tepid, lackluster campaign in 1996 that ended in defeat, as did John McCain in 2008, and Mitt Romney in 2012. Yes Bush I and II won, but let's face the cold hard reality about them. Bush I shed his Reaganite skin like a rattlesnake the moment Ronaldus Magnus went back to his ranch and proceeded to lose to accused rapist Bill Caligula. Bush II won and was magnificent on the War on Terror, but was Herbert Hoover on domestic policy.
To this day, I still have no idea what any of the above folks ran on. (Except for the 2004 election, when it was rather clear it was either Bush or pray to Mecca.) Bush I ? He was Reagan's Veep. Bob Dole ? No idea. Bush II's first run ? I dunno, I voted for Pat Buchanan because it wasn't Conservative, whatever it was. John McCain ? Well, it was his turn. Romney ? He wasn't the guy who bowed to the inbred king of Saudi Arabia. They never gave me a reason to support them, other than party loyalty. That's a horrid reason to vote for anyone. What's worse, they never gave libertarians, paleocons, Reagan Democrats, or independents a reason to vote for them, either. And hence, they lost (except for Bush II) and in some cases, in a rather embarrassing fashion.
Ladies and gentlemen, the reality of the situation is this: We the People need to take back the Republican party before we do anything else. We need to take over our local Republican parties and send the RINOs packing. Is it easier said than done ? Yep, but what choice do we have ? A third party won't save the day. Working with the communists in the Democrat party is unthinkable for a variety of obvious reasons. We need to stand up and say, "Dont Tread On Me."
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