Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Marxists Say The Darndest Things

Recently, our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama, had this to say about the government shutdown in between bowls of chicken poodle soup and attempting to start World War III:


"And in keeping with the broad ramifications of a shutdown, I think it's important that everybody understands the federal government is America's largest employer."



And there, ladies and gentlemen, is the root of of all of our economic ills, our social ills, and our political ills. The Federal Leviathan has grown so massive and Chris Christie-like it can't support its own weight anymore.

Now, keep in mind, this isn't an ideological point of view. I didn't rip this from the brilliant brain of Thomas Sowell. I didn't pull this from an Ann Coulter book, nor I did I come to this conclusion by watching FNC (AKA---Fox Neocon Channel). I came to this conclusion by simply being an observant person. The signs of Big, Slovenly Government are everywhere. To be perfectly blunt and honest, I can't think of one thing, not one blessed thing, that the Federal Leviathan doesn't have its overfed snout in, and I'm willing to bet every fiat dollar I have that you can't think of one thing it doesn't regulate, either. The government is everywhere, telling us what kind of light bulbs to use, how much water our toilets should use, listening to our phone calls, and reading our emails.

And what has this brought us, precisely?

The nearly limitless number of government employees, federal agencies, and mindless bureaucracy didn't make us safer, as both 9/11 attacks would attest. All the trillions upon trillions of dollars dumped into useless social programs still has yet to end poverty and racism. The government can't even deliver mail, something it's supposed to do, without going billions of dollars in the hole. If this wasn't so tragic, the whole situation would make a great comedy.

Regardless of what dementia-addled moonbats like Harry Reid claim to think, no one is calling for anarchy. (Equating limited Constitutional government with anarchy is the 2+2=5 statement of all time.) I can't think of one reasonable person who does. At the same time, where does it all end? How much government does an allegedly free people need?

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