In the days after the whimpering defeat of Mitt Trotsky, the RINO National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus (whoever the hell he is) did an "autopsy" on the Republican Party. In this "autopsy", it was determined that the Republican Party needed a "bigger tent". The gist of the report was this: The party was too white, too Christian, and too male. The only way to get out of the loser's bracket was to pander to as many minorities as possible.
In the soon to be immortal words of Alan Levy: What a steaming pile of camel Shi'ite.
You see ladies and gentlemen, regardless of what the hapless Bill Kristol will tell you, regardless of the non-stop propaganda of Tokyo Rove and his acolytes at the FOX Neocon Channel (FNC), pandering to artificial ethnic and social groups will get you nowhere. What leads political parties out of the wilderness is doing what your base wants. After all, a party's base is its engine.
There are two great examples of the above theory. The French Revolution of 2008 that swept the Authoritarian Left and their false messiah, Barack Hussein Obama, into power and the American Revolution of 2010 that brought a degree of Conservatism back to Washington. (Where it was promptly sabotaged by the Weeper of the House and his cronies, but I digress.)
In both examples, the parties gave the base what they wanted. In 2008, the Democrat Party's base shed its last vestiges of Americanism. The libs wanted fascism and Big Brother controlling every aspect of human existence in the United States. Thus, the party responded by handing them the former Barry Soetoro and the drunken Joe Biteme. In 2010, the RNC got the hint and didn't severely persecute Tea Party candidates, despite pleas from Tokyo Rove and his ilk. Thus, the 2010 midterm elections turned into a massacre as the independents and Reagan Democrats came home.
But in 2012, things went back to normal for the Republicans. The party's Conservative grassroot activists were treated like Orwellian unpersons again. Mitt Trotsky and his putrid record as the governor of Taxachussetts were trotted out like a prized dancing horse by the RINO Herd as the Great White Hope. Tea Party and Conservative candidates were treated like pariahs with leprosy and were openly opposed by the usual suspects (Rove, Kristol, Sheikh Ali Paul and the Paulestinians) and were defeated as the base blew off the 2012 Popularity Contest and stayed home.
In 2012 however, the Democrat Party stayed the course. They knew that keeping base happy is the key to victory. Thus, they invented the "war on women", gathered as many dead voters as they could, and screamed that the Republican Party was the latest incarnation of the Third Reich. Sure, they couldn't trot out Obama as the guy who would lower the oceans and heal the earth anymore, but that was no longer the goal. DNC chair Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz and her fellow Jew haters realized that there was no way on God's green and cooling earth that they could make the American people Hussein in the Membrane anymore. They also realized that the usual election rigging wouldn't carry them over the goal line either, no matter how many members of the US military were disenfranchised and how many fake talking points about the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi were thrown out to the lazy and arrogant media. Thus they doubled down on their Marxist propaganda and dragged Obama's carcass across the finish line.
Now let's return from our stroll down Memory Hole Lane. The Democrat Party is still goosestepping to beat of the same Hitlerjugend drummer. They're still screaming for social "justice", demanding that homosexuals have the right to "marry", no one should have the right to bear arms, illegal alien criminals are better than native born Americans, and all of the rest of the anti-American crap that they've been babbling about ever since the first Progressiviks crawled out primordial soup of failed European political theory in the early 20th century. Thus, the base is happy, no matter how much the NSA spies on them.
And what's the Republican Party doing ? It's doing what it does best: Stabbing its Conservative base in the back.
As a rule, the vast majority of Conservatives are vehemently opposed homosexual "marriage", gun control, amnesty for illegal alien criminals, raising taxes, and all the rest. And yet, the Republican Party's glitterati supports these and many other leftist ideals. Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan are leading the charge to grant amnesty to the scumbags who spit on American sovereignty and hopped over the virtual fence. Rob Portman and Ileana Ros Lethinen think destroying the institution of marriage is the way to go. Tea Party traitor Pat Toomey joined up with the National Socialist Left and decided that the Second Amendment no longer applies in the United States. John McLame and Lindsey Grahamnesty weren't content with just opening the door wide open to illegal aliens and whatever else comes across the southern border, the Same Sex Senators (h/t Mark Levin) were instrumental in making sure Chairman Obama armed al-Qaeda in Syria. Oh, by the way, in case you forgot, the Weeper of the House folded his tent and failed to fight against Obama's tax hike in January.
I'd be hard pressed to call that pandering to the base, wouldn't you ? I'd also be hard pressed to call this a winning strategy.
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