Monday, March 25, 2013

Not Today....

As of sundown, Passover begins. Millions of Jews in the United States and around the world will be celebrating our Deliverance from Slavery in Egypt.

I will not be amongst them. Aside from praying, I'm not celebrating. This year, it would be as depressing as sitting shiva, therefore I'm not going to do it. Called Mom and told her I can't come this year. Uncle Morris will have to tell his bogus Korean War stories to someone else. Aunt Esther will need someone else to get her cigarettes from the car. I'm over it.

As we speak, Obama's Fundamental Transformation is spreading across the United States like a cancer. Freedom of Religion is being attacked by Obamacare. The Supreme Court is deciding whether or not homosexuals have the "right" to marry. The Second Amendment is under assault in the media, and there's a good chance it's going to be violated. An oppressive tax code is in place to take (by force) the wealth of productive citizens who play by the rules and redistribute it to illegal aliens, petty criminals, and crony capitalists. Millions of babies are being slaughtered by abortion in what could be best described as storefront Auschwitzes.

How on Earth can I possibly celebrate Freedom while it's being snuffed out ? (With thunderous applause, no less.)

I can't, in good conscience, therefore I won't.

Now, there will be those who say I'm obligated to celebrate because of the Holocaust and the thousands of years of Jewish suffering. Yes, that's true, but I feel my obligation to fight for Freedom wherever and whenever I can is greater. What good is tradition if it no longer has any meaning ? Is it truly honorable to play a fiddle while Rome burns ?

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