Recently, the village idiot of CONgress, Dumbocrat Sheila Jackson Lee, took to the House floor and said this:
"As yesterday was the official birthday of President Lincoln, February
12, and although it was a tragic time in our history, I can assure you
that it shows the greatest promise of America when people could come
together and do something great.
I stand here as a freed slave because this Congress came together."
Aside from the fact that this may very well be the most historically illiterate thing ever uttered (it's right up there with claiming that the National Socialist German Workers Party was "far right" or that communism was "never really instituted" in the Soviet Union), I feel an overwhelming need to respond.
When do I get my freedom, Sheila ? When does my servitude end ?
As a gainfully employed person, I pay taxes. In theory, some of what I pay goes to essential government services, such as the military, roads, the court system, and the like. In reality, the vast majority of it (if not all of it) is simply handed over to someone else. Perhaps my wealth ended up on a crack addict's EBT card. Perhaps my wealth is paying for the treatment of a meth addict's emergency toe nail surgery. Perhaps it's paying for Sandra Fluke's contraceptives. I don't know where it goes, but the bottom line is, it ain't in my pocket, despite the fact that I earned it and it's mine.
How am I, as a working stiff, not a slave of sorts to the recipients of the redistribution of wealth ?
Now, make no mistake, I am not making light of the horror that was slavery in the United States. I am simply asking questions that need to be asked. Where does it end ? At what point do I have enough "skin in the game" as our dog eating and Jew hating Dear Leader likes to say ? At what point does my "obligation" to the collective end ?
These questions can be a matter of life and death in several ways. If I don't pay my taxes, I could be arrested. If I resist arrest, I could be shot. Granted, this isn't quite like having Pharaoh's task master whipping me for not building pyramids fast enough, but it's a threat nonetheless. And yes, unlike my ancestors that built the Pharaoh's pyramids and the slaves who tended the fields for their Democrat owners in the antebellum South, I can always walk away from my job and take public assistance. But that leads to a different kind of slavery. At that point, I would be forced to vote for and support liberal hack politicians that I despise to make sure my free meals and health care kept coming.
The bottom line is this, gang: There is nothing more dangerous to Liberty than the destruction of property rights. The Liberal-Welfare Complex (feel free to use it) is destroying the Republic. With every dollar that's redistributed, a little more of our precious Liberty dies.
If that isn't slavery, I don't know what is.
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