Before we get started, a little housekeeping is in order. I know there are some out there who are in the "It Will Never Get Through The House" camp. To those dunderheads, I say this: The current Republican't (no typo) party has just raised raised taxes and is now considering amnesty for illegal alien criminals. What on God's green and cooling earth makes you think the Weeper of the House and his cronies in the Establishment Leadership are all of a sudden going to become sentient beings with discernible vertebrae ? John Boehner and his crew are more interested in being loved in the editorial page of RINO rags like the Wall Street Journal than they are in upholding the Constitution. (Don't know what the Constitution is ? Blame a unionized public school teacher.) You can bet your last fiat dollar that the Republican'ts will pass some sort of "assault weapon" ban in the near future, despite what Conservative heroes like Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Louie Gohmert, and Michele Bachmann say or do. I hate to sound like a quitter, but the last year and some change has destroyed my optimism. The Bill Kristols of world, not content with handing the United States on a silver platter to a Jew hating lowlife like Barack HUSSEIN Obama, will get their way yet again.
Frankenfeinstein's plot to nullify (Are we still allowed to say that, Tim Kaine ?) the Second Amendment is as follows:
Law abiding citizens may not:
- own 150 different types of firearms
- possess magazines that are capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition
- walk past a picture of Barack Obama without giving the salute and shouting "Seig Heil!" (Oh c'mon, it was funny and you know it.)
But there is something I can tell you about the "Assault Weapon" Grab that you may not know. Federal law enforcement is immune from the ban. They can carry whatever weapons they like. Their magazines can hold as much ammo is they want. They can use whatever ammo they want. In other words, federal agents will be armed like the Punisher any time they want.
Somehow, I don't think that is what the Founders had in mind.
Don't get me wrong, I support law enforcement. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the FBI, Secret Service, and the like. These folks put their lives on the line every day, and for that, they have my deepest heartfelt thanks. They have every right in the world to defend themselves.
But at the same time, these folks weren't granted special Unalienable Rights that weren't granted to the rest of us. Being sworn in as a law enforcement officer doesn't make one citizen better than another. If law enforcement has the right to carry almost every non-military grade weapon, the same must go for the people who pay their salaries. Just as law enforcement agents have a right to defend themselves, so does John Q. Public. Anything else leads to the same flawed thinking that turned the Weimar Republic into the Third Reich after the Reichstag Fire.
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin
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