In this column, I say many things. When it comes to the Kenyan usurper in the White House, I pull no punches. I have no problem calling him a Marxist, a war criminal, a homosexual agenda pusher, a druggie, and a whole host of nasty things. (Which, as we all know, are perfectly true.) The same goes for his Dhimmicrat and Republican't lackeys in CONgress. I never feel bad about anything I have ever said about these individuals, nor will I ever. After all, along with useless government bureaucrats, Goebbels-inspired propagandists pretending to be journalists, Hollyweird hypocrites, and unwashed liberal drones, these are the lowest forms of life on the planet (which is cooling, might I add). They deserve to be treated with absolute scorn and ridicule, just like palmetto bugs who decide to use my patio as a home deserve to be squashed.
However, this column is different. In this column, I'm going to go in a direction that is making me downright uncomfortable. I'm going to say a few things I may regret, but they need to be said.
In this column, I'm going to talk about Pope Francis and his comments about homosexuality and abortion.
Now, before we get started, I feel it's necessary to tell you a little bit about myself. Yes, I'm Jewish. However, I didn't grow up in a religious household. Both of my parents were liberal Jews (which, let's face facts, is one short step away from atheism) who volunteered for Jimmuh Carter. (My mother, who is actually South African and Italian, was raised Catholic. She decided she was Jewish when she met my father.) It was my grandfather (my mother's father) who actually gave me real religious guidance. He used to take me to Mass with him, and although I was terrified of the Crucifix at the altar, I actually enjoyed going. I didn't understand what was going on, but going to Mass made me feel good. As I grew older, I felt more in tune with my Jewish heritage, but I will always feel at home in the Catholic Church. It would be an absolutely fair criticism to say that when it comes to religion, I'm having my cake and eating it, too. (Or you could say that I'm a confused heretic doomed to spend eternity in Hell. I can assure you, that thought crosses my mind constantly.)
You see, I'm not angry at what the Holy Father said, that “We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods" and “A person once asked me, in a
provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with
another question: ‘Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he
endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn
this person?’ We must always consider the person". I'm deeply saddened by it, almost to the verge of clinical depression. One of the cornerstones of Christian thought is to "hate the sin and love the sinner", which is probably the greatest thought man has ever had. In my mind, the Pope has tossed that aside and replaced it with, "tolerate the sin and look the other way". By doing this, not only is he insulting those who stand for traditional values, but he's weakening the Church when the world needs it the most. This isn't to say that the Catholicism is superior of to Protestantism, Judaism, or the Greek Orthodox Church. (Nope, I didn't forget one. I just don't feel like writing about genocidal jihadis today.) I'm looking at the big picture, which is Christianity itself. The world needs a strong Christianity that understands right from wrong, not from a political standpoint (no one is calling for a theocracy) but from a black and white moral standpoint.
Now of course, Jesus did say "let he without sin cast the first stone", and I'm certainly not one who has any business throwing stones at anyone. In my life, I've done my share of sinning, just as you have, too. Nonetheless, I'm fairly certain Jesus never said, "Let he without sin cast the first stone, and you sinners keep on truckin'."
Friday, September 20, 2013
Friday, September 6, 2013
Ummmm.....We're Broke.
For the last couple of days, we've been exposed to an endless stream of war propaganda in support of Chairman Obama's Syrian adventure. Without the slightest bit of mercy, we've been told ad nauseum that it's America's duty to keep the world safe for democracy, we have a responsibility protect, only America can do it, yadda, yadda, yadda by the likes of Bill Kristol, John Kerry, John McCain, and other leftist monsters. In complete defiance of the so-called Godwin Rule, I'd have to say that Joseph Goebbels would be quite envious of the effort of the political hacks trying to push the United States into a world war.
Before we continue, a little housekeeping is in order. I'm a hawk. I fully supported (and still do) the reasons why the United States went to war in Trashcanistan and Iraq. Both were questions of national security. (And let's face the cold, hard truth gang: They were the only things George W. Bush got right, regardless of what Tokyo Rove says.) I'm not a Paultard nor am I a Paleocon isolationist weirdo. I believe the United States has the right to do as it sees fit on the world stage when it comes to national defense and defending our actual allies. (Canada, Great Britain, Israel, and the like. Not death-dealing weasels like the inbreds that run Saudi Arabia, the Arab League, and the Muslim Brotherhood controlled Organization of Islamic Cooperation.)
Now, aside from the moral objection a sane, rational person might have about providing air cover for al-Qaeda's Islamonazi "freedom fighters", (which would obviously be the main reason for opposing this lunacy), we have to look another really big reason for screaming "One, two, three, four, we don't want your fucking war!": The economy of the United States is near collapse. Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen called the national debt the gravest threat to national security that we face. We are currently $17 trillion in debt, with another $90 trillion in unpaid liabilities. In other words, you could take every penny the Koch brothers have, every drop of oil in the Middle East, every diamond out of South Africa, and every grain of rice grown in China and still not have enough to pay off the national debt. There simply isn't enough wealth on the planet to do that.
I know there are some who say that this is an utterly heartless view. On the contrary, it's a completely humanitarian view. My children should not be on the hook for this idiocy, nor should my grandchildren who are decades away from being born. They had nothing to do this, just as your children and grandchildren had nothing to do with this either. In addition to paying for the failure of Franklin Dictator Roosevelt's New Deal, Lyndon Bum Johnson's Not-So-Great Society, and our Dear Leader's varied scams from the so called Stimulus to Obamacareless, they'll have this on their shoulders, along with the previously mentioned George Bush's blunders like Medicare Part D. The faint chance that our children and grandchildren would have had to lead productive lives without being taxed to death by our ever expanding Federal Leviathan will be swept away for good, especially if this turns into long, protracted war. (Sort of like the ones we're involved in now that no one seems to want to talk about anymore.) When the economy collapses (and at the rate we're going, that will happen sooner rather than later), there will be misery that will make the Great Depression look like Sunday brunch at the Kennedy Compound.
Here's the bottom line, ladies and gentlemen: We're broke. Our so-called leaders, with less economic sense than a meth addict, have spent us into ruin. We can't afford to support a goldfish, let alone fight a civil war for al-Qaeda. We the People should do everything we possibly can to derail this monstrosity.
It's not about us anymore, it's about our children and our grandchildren. We have no right to inflict this on them.
Before we continue, a little housekeeping is in order. I'm a hawk. I fully supported (and still do) the reasons why the United States went to war in Trashcanistan and Iraq. Both were questions of national security. (And let's face the cold, hard truth gang: They were the only things George W. Bush got right, regardless of what Tokyo Rove says.) I'm not a Paultard nor am I a Paleocon isolationist weirdo. I believe the United States has the right to do as it sees fit on the world stage when it comes to national defense and defending our actual allies. (Canada, Great Britain, Israel, and the like. Not death-dealing weasels like the inbreds that run Saudi Arabia, the Arab League, and the Muslim Brotherhood controlled Organization of Islamic Cooperation.)
Now, aside from the moral objection a sane, rational person might have about providing air cover for al-Qaeda's Islamonazi "freedom fighters", (which would obviously be the main reason for opposing this lunacy), we have to look another really big reason for screaming "One, two, three, four, we don't want your fucking war!": The economy of the United States is near collapse. Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen called the national debt the gravest threat to national security that we face. We are currently $17 trillion in debt, with another $90 trillion in unpaid liabilities. In other words, you could take every penny the Koch brothers have, every drop of oil in the Middle East, every diamond out of South Africa, and every grain of rice grown in China and still not have enough to pay off the national debt. There simply isn't enough wealth on the planet to do that.
I know there are some who say that this is an utterly heartless view. On the contrary, it's a completely humanitarian view. My children should not be on the hook for this idiocy, nor should my grandchildren who are decades away from being born. They had nothing to do this, just as your children and grandchildren had nothing to do with this either. In addition to paying for the failure of Franklin Dictator Roosevelt's New Deal, Lyndon Bum Johnson's Not-So-Great Society, and our Dear Leader's varied scams from the so called Stimulus to Obamacareless, they'll have this on their shoulders, along with the previously mentioned George Bush's blunders like Medicare Part D. The faint chance that our children and grandchildren would have had to lead productive lives without being taxed to death by our ever expanding Federal Leviathan will be swept away for good, especially if this turns into long, protracted war. (Sort of like the ones we're involved in now that no one seems to want to talk about anymore.) When the economy collapses (and at the rate we're going, that will happen sooner rather than later), there will be misery that will make the Great Depression look like Sunday brunch at the Kennedy Compound.
Here's the bottom line, ladies and gentlemen: We're broke. Our so-called leaders, with less economic sense than a meth addict, have spent us into ruin. We can't afford to support a goldfish, let alone fight a civil war for al-Qaeda. We the People should do everything we possibly can to derail this monstrosity.
It's not about us anymore, it's about our children and our grandchildren. We have no right to inflict this on them.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Killing For al-Qaeda ? You Betcha!
As we all sit here and wait to find out whether or not the United States will be at war with Assad regime in Syria, I thought now would be as a good a time as any to examine the reason why we're going on this fool's errand that can turn into World War III in a blink of an eye.
No, it has nothing to do with protecting innocents, spreading democracy, or any of the other Progressivik propaganda you have had the misfortune of being exposed to. If that was the case, our Dear Leader would have supported the Green Revolution in Ron Paul's beloved Iran. It has nothing to do with national security, because the former Barry Soetero doesn't believe in national security. If he did, the borders would be locked down, the perpetrators of the Benghazi massacre would be dead, along with Edward Snowden. (For the record, I don't think Snowden is a threat to national security, but King Hussein sure does. He's whined about it enough.) So, right off the bat, we can eliminate the two main reasons why modern presidents use force.
Now, there is the little matter of this being a tactic to draw attention away from the many scandals that are plaguing the Obama Dystopia. That argument would hold water under normal circumstances, but that's not the case here for two reasons. One, Obama knows full well that he'll never be impeached or removed from office as long as the Dims hold the Imperial Senate and the Republicans are led by spineless blobs wet cardboard like Mitch McConman and the helpless Weeper of the House, Johnny Boehner. Two, Obama, despite the accolades heaped upon him by the arrogant and lazy media, isn't clever enough to pull it off. (Bill Caligula he is not.)
So then, what's the reason for this utter madness ?
Treason. Let me say it again: Treason. Let me say it a bunch of times so the NSA can hear me loud and clear: Treason, treason, treason, treason, and oh yes, treason.
You see ladies and gentlemen, we are going to war to save al-Qaeda's revolution in Syria, just as we went to war to save the Muslim Brotherhood's revolution in Libya.
Don't believe me ? Think I'm just an ornery Right Wing cuss with a blog ? Check this out:
"Al-Qaeda-linked rebels launched an assault on a regime-held Christian mountain village in the densely populated west of Syria and new clashes erupted near the capital, Damascus, on Wednesday - part of a brutal battle of attrition each side believes it can win despite more than two years of deadlock.
In the attack on the village of Maaloula, rebels commandeered a mountaintop hotel and nearby caves and shelled the community below, said a nun, speaking by phone from a convent in the village. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals."
Gang, I don't know what to think about any of this. I really don't, and I'm man enough to admit it. A month ago, we were on the edge of complete and total economic, political, and social disaster as a nation. Now, with the Traitor in Chief poised to give al-Qaeda air cover, we're still on the edge of the abyss, but now we're going to lose our souls.
May God have mercy on us.
No, it has nothing to do with protecting innocents, spreading democracy, or any of the other Progressivik propaganda you have had the misfortune of being exposed to. If that was the case, our Dear Leader would have supported the Green Revolution in Ron Paul's beloved Iran. It has nothing to do with national security, because the former Barry Soetero doesn't believe in national security. If he did, the borders would be locked down, the perpetrators of the Benghazi massacre would be dead, along with Edward Snowden. (For the record, I don't think Snowden is a threat to national security, but King Hussein sure does. He's whined about it enough.) So, right off the bat, we can eliminate the two main reasons why modern presidents use force.
Now, there is the little matter of this being a tactic to draw attention away from the many scandals that are plaguing the Obama Dystopia. That argument would hold water under normal circumstances, but that's not the case here for two reasons. One, Obama knows full well that he'll never be impeached or removed from office as long as the Dims hold the Imperial Senate and the Republicans are led by spineless blobs wet cardboard like Mitch McConman and the helpless Weeper of the House, Johnny Boehner. Two, Obama, despite the accolades heaped upon him by the arrogant and lazy media, isn't clever enough to pull it off. (Bill Caligula he is not.)
So then, what's the reason for this utter madness ?
Treason. Let me say it again: Treason. Let me say it a bunch of times so the NSA can hear me loud and clear: Treason, treason, treason, treason, and oh yes, treason.
You see ladies and gentlemen, we are going to war to save al-Qaeda's revolution in Syria, just as we went to war to save the Muslim Brotherhood's revolution in Libya.
Don't believe me ? Think I'm just an ornery Right Wing cuss with a blog ? Check this out:
"Al-Qaeda-linked rebels launched an assault on a regime-held Christian mountain village in the densely populated west of Syria and new clashes erupted near the capital, Damascus, on Wednesday - part of a brutal battle of attrition each side believes it can win despite more than two years of deadlock.
In the attack on the village of Maaloula, rebels commandeered a mountaintop hotel and nearby caves and shelled the community below, said a nun, speaking by phone from a convent in the village. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals."
Gang, I don't know what to think about any of this. I really don't, and I'm man enough to admit it. A month ago, we were on the edge of complete and total economic, political, and social disaster as a nation. Now, with the Traitor in Chief poised to give al-Qaeda air cover, we're still on the edge of the abyss, but now we're going to lose our souls.
May God have mercy on us.
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