Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Let's Talk About The Islamonazis In Our Government

At the risk of being investigated by the by the Gestap---er,uh---, Infernal Revenue "Service" (no typo), I bid you greetings, fellow patriots. Just for fun and an undying thirst for the truth, let's talk about the infiltration of of radical Islamonazis of the State Of Confusion Department under Hitlery Clinton, friend of the PLO and Hamas.

Now before we get started, a little housekeeping is in order. I am not a conspiracy theorist. I'm not an Alex Jones groupie. I'm not a Paultard who blames Mossad or the CIA for 9/11/01 between bong hits. I'm simply an observant person who uses his head for more than a hat rack. I am simply asking questions that the arrogant and lazy media refuses to ask, no matter how much Eric Holder's Orwellian Department of Justice harasses them.

I'd like you to meet two very important people.The first is Farah Andwar Pandith, the second is Rashad Hussain, both high on the State of Confusion Department's food chain.

Let's start with Farah Andwar Pandith, the Statist Department's "Special Representative to Muslim Communities". Here's her official bio on the State Department's website, with emphasis and comments within [brackets] where appropriate.


"Farah Pandith was appointed the first-ever Special Representative to Muslim Communities in June 2009 by then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. [without any oversight from CONgress.] Under the leadership of Secretary John Kerry, the Office of the Special Representative continues to be responsible for executing a vision for engagement with Muslims around the world based on a people-to-people and organizational level . [Is it me, or does that sound like 'community organizing' ? But I digress...] In the years since her swearing in, Special Representative Pandith has traveled to more than 80 countries and launched youth-focused initiatives including Generation Change, Viral Peace and Hours Against Hate (a campaign that was a partner with the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.) She is also a key architect of the Women in Public Service Project. In January 2013 she was awarded the Secretary's Distinguished Honor Award which is given for 'exceptionally outstanding service to the agencies of the U.S. Government resulting in achievements of marked national or international significance.' She reports directly to the Secretary of State.

Prior to this appointment, she was Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. In this role she was focused on Muslim communities in Europe where she was responsible for policy oversight for integration, democracy, and Islam in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs. She also worked on issues relating to countering violent Islamic extremism. She served as the Director for Middle East Regional Initiatives for the National Security Council from December 2004 to February 2007, where she was responsible for coordinating U.S. policy on 'Muslim World' Outreach and the Broader Middle East North Africa initiative. She reported directly to the Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy.

Prior to joining the NSC, Special Representative Pandith was Chief of Staff for the Bureau for Asia and the Near East for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). She worked directly for the Assistant Administrator for the bureau responsible for more than $4 billion in programs throughout the Middle East, South Asia, and Asia -- including Iraq, Afghanistan and Gaza/West Bank. In 2004, she spent two months in Kabul, Afghanistan. From 1997 to 2003 Special Representative Pandith was Vice President of International Business for ML Strategies in Boston, Massachusetts. Special Representative Pandith also served as the Special Assistant to the Director of Policy at USAID and has been a consultant in both the public, private and non-profit sectors. She has served in leadership positions on several boards with a focus on international affairs and is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Special Representative Pandith received a Master’s degree from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, where she specialized in International Security Studies, Islamic Civilizations and Southwest Asia, and International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. She concentrated on the insurgency in Kashmir and has spoken on the subject in international and domestic forums. She received an A.B. in Government and Psychology from Smith College, where she was president of the student body. She has served as a Trustee of Smith College and Milton Academy and is currently a member of the Board of Overseers of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. She was born in Srinagar, Kashmir, India. "



Yeah, I know. I'm a bigot, an Islamophobe, blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda. Got it. But let's put Ms. Pandith under the microscope anyway. Let's ask a question that may not be pleasant to ask, but must be asked. Why is an individual who hails from one of the hot beads of Islamic terrorism (the Kashmir area of India) helping to dole out the hard earned money of the American taxpayer to other hot beds of terrorism, like Gaza, West bank, Afghanistan, and Iraq ?

Again, (and this bears worth repeating), I know how this sounds. However, this is highly irregular, and that needs to be said. At the risk of being flogged for violating Godwin's Law, this would be like having an individual who was born in Munich working in a department of the US government helping to fund the Third Reich's "Strength Through Joy" program during World War II. It simply makes no sense.

Oh, and not for nothing, there have been a few problems with USAID. Here's one such problem, from back in 2004, when Pandith was still involved:


"Despite its policy to cut off funding to terrorists, the U.S. continues to finance promotion and glorification of Islamic 'martyrdom,' according to a report submitted to members of Congress.

In a recent example, nearly $500,000 of USAID [United States Agency for International Development] money funded a Palestinian Authority soccer stadium named after the head of Black September terrorists, says Itamar Marcus, author of the report.

The group was responsible for the murder of two Americans diplomats in Sudan and 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics."


Pretty wild, huh ? But yet, no one in CONgress wants Inner Party Member Pandith to appear before a committee. No one in the arrogant and lazy media wants to run any specials on her, either. Just another faceless bureaucrat pushing the dagger deeper and deeper into the back of America and no one seems to notice or care.

As nightmarish as the above is, this guy takes the cake. Ladies and gentlemen (and whatever the hell Rachel Maddcow is), I present to you Rashad Hussain, the "Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)".


"WASHINGTON - Today, President Obama appointed Rashad Hussain to serve as his Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Comprised of over 50 member states, the OIC is the second largest inter-governmental organization in the world. As Special Envoy to the OIC, Rashad Hussain will deepen and expand the partnerships that the United States has pursued with Muslims around the world since President Obama's speech in Cairo last June.

President Fuhrer Obama said, 'I’m proud to announce today that I am appointing my Special Envoy to the OIC—Rashad Hussain. As an accomplished lawyer and a close and trusted member of my White House staff, Rashad has played a key role in developing the partnerships I called for in Cairo. And as a hafiz of the Qur’an, he is a respected member of the American Muslim community, and I thank him for carrying forward this important work.' "



Well, that doesn't say a whole lot. That's kinda like watching  Jay Carney demonstrate the proper care of one's eyebrows.  Who is Rashad Hussain  and what is the OIC ?

Hmmm....It's pretty apparent that we won't get any answers out of our "transparent"government. Let's try some different sources, shall we ? Hopefully, they're still out there. As we all know, the Obama Regime and their stormtroopers in the Infernal Revenue Service don't consider dissent patriotic in way, shape, or form, nor do they consider it legal.

Here goes nothing....


"The son of Indian-born U.S. citizens, Rashad Hussain was born in Wyoming in 1978 and was raised in Plano, Texas. He holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a master's degree in Arabic & Islamic studies from Harvard University, and a J.D. from Yale Law School. In the summer of 2000, he served as an intern in the office of Democratic congressman Richard Gephardt.

In October 2000, Hussain spoke at a conference sponsored by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists and Georgetown University's Prince Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding. Titled 'Islam, Pluralism, and Demoracy,' this gathering featured appearances by numerous leaders of the global Muslim Brotherhood, including such notables as Louay Safi, Jamal Barzinji, Hisham Al-Talib, and AbdulHamid AbuSulayman.

In June 2002, Hussain participated in a Congressional Staffers panel at the American Muslim Council’s (AMC) 11th annual convention. At that time, AMC was headed by the Muslim Brotherhood leader Abdurahman Alamoudi, who would later be convicted and incarcerated on terrorism charges.

In 2003 Hussain was a recipient of the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans, which was founded by, and named after, George Soros's older brother and sister-in-law."



Isn't that adorable ? But wait, this gets better. In August 2008, Hussain (with co-author Al-Husein N. Madhany) wrote this for the waaaay left of center Brookings Institution (Emphasis will be added where necessary and smart alecky comments from yours truly will be in [brackets].)


"The global effort to end terrorism must be more effective in utilizing its strongest ally: Islam. There
is nothing more persuasive to Muslims than Islam. If the global coalition to stop Al-Qaeda and other terrorists groups is to succeed, it must convince potential terrorists that Islam requires them to reject
terrorism. As a part of this effort, we recommend the following:

First, policymakers should redefine the battle of ideas as a battle between terrorist elements in the
Muslim world and Islam. Muslims worldwide support the general concepts of freedom and democracy,
and democratic reforms may provide a peaceful means of addressing political grievances. But given the Muslim world’s skeptical attitudes toward American democracy and freedom promotion, framing the battle of ideas as a battle between terrorism and freedom is no longer productive.

Second, policymakers should reject the use of language that provides a religious legitimization of
terrorism such as 'Islamic terrorism' and'“Islamic extremist.' They should replace such terminology
with more specific and descriptive terms such as 'Al-Qaeda terrorism.' Tweaking the rhetoric of the
war on terrorism is a simple step that can help delegitimize terrorists, earn the trust of the Muslim
world, and increase the precision with which we describe and address terrorism.
[I have the strangest feeling of deja vu. I feel like we've heard this crap before, most notably from our Kenyan Overlord.]

Third, the United States should seek to build a broad and diverse coalition of partners, not limited to
those who advocate Western-style democracy, and avoid creating a dichotomy between freedom and
Islamic society. Such a coalition should incorporate those who may have political differences, so long as
they reject terrorism. Creating such a coalition, one that might even be led by Muslim nations, will help
eliminate the perception that global counterterrorism efforts are anti-Islamic and are simply a mask
for promotion of Western values.
[This is key and will make more sense when we discuss the OIC.]

Fourth, the United States should enlist the assistance of scholars of Islam and of the Muslim world
to determine how best to frame the mission of the global counterterrorism coalition. Rather than
framing the conflict as 'pro-freedom' or 'anti-Jihadist,' these scholars should analyze the most persuasive
methods for applying Islamic law to reject terrorism. [How do you say "LOL" in Arabic ?]

Fifth, the United States should incorporate the Muslim community as well as scholars of Islam and of the Muslim world in the policy making process to help craft policies that reflect a more nuanced understanding of those targeted. The use of such experts is necessary to ensure that policy reflects an understanding of complex theological and political nuances of the Muslim world and avoids the dangerous pitfalls of generalization and oversimplification. [Keep this in mind, too.]

Sixth, the United States should promote and distribute scholarship such as the Amman Message and the
North American Muslims Scholars’ Fatwa Against Terrorism which carefully analyze issues such as
the use of force in Islam and concludes that terrorism must be rejected unequivocally. It is precisely these
types of religious rulings—which by design receive the broadest possible support from Muslim leadership
representing nearly all Muslims —that will prove most effective in countering terrorists that mis-characterize
Islam in advancing their agendas.

Seventh, recognizing the benefit of strengthening the authoritative voices of mainstream Islam, the U.S. should welcome and encourage the further development of mainstream Muslim organizations and moderate institutions such as religious seminaries. [Betcha 100 trillion fiat dollars that the criminal front group known as the ACLU wouldn't have the slightest problem with this. For that matter, neither would the frauds at the Southern Poverty Law Center, nor would Abe Foxman's All Democrats League (ADL). But I digress.]

Finally, as the Esposito-Mogahed study’s Gallup data found, 'the primary cause of broad-based anger
and anti-Americanism is not a clash of civilizations but the perceived effect of U.S. foreign policy in the
Muslim world.' While an examination of political and economic problems that are frequently cited as
major grievances not just of terrorists but also of large populations of Muslims around the world is
beyond the scope of this paper, the U.S. should continue to promote effective economic and social
reforms and to work with allies in crafting fair and peaceful resolutions to conflicts in the Middle East
and in other parts of the Muslim world.'  [In other words, Israel must be wiped off the map and the American tax payer needs to cough up billions every year.]



I know this is a lot to take in all at once. Take a small break. Get yourself a drink, walk the dog, or whatever. I'll just wait here...

Oh, good you're back! I know you feel like an artery is going to open up your head, but I can assure you that this is important.

Exactly what is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation ? The easiest answer I can up with is this: Imagine Media Matters' head honcho David Brock putting on his hot pink burqa and demanding jihad against Zionists and Conservatives. Basically, it's an organization that builds a bridge that links the radical left and the Islamonazis. In other words, it's jihadi tyranny with more than a hint of leftism. It is the second largest coalition of sovereign countries, with only the hated UN being larger. If one really wanted to bring back the Caliphate, the OIC would be a great foundation, regardless of what ostriches like the hapless Bill Kristol claim to think or believe.

Let's look at a bit of the eyebrow raising stuff in the OIC's charter (Insert your favorite Jay Carney joke here):


"to support the struggle of the Palestinian people, who are presently under foreign occupation, and to empower them to attain their inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination, and to establish their sovereign state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, while safeguarding its historic and Islamic character, and the holy places therein;"  



 Gee, that sounds a whole lot like Hamas.

Speaking of  Hamas, there's something very, very interesting in their charter. Take a look see:


"The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine. Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a universal organization which constitutes the largest Islamic movement in modern times. It is characterised by its deep understanding, accurate comprehension and its complete embrace of all Islamic concepts of all aspects of life, culture, creed, politics, economics, education, society, justice and judgement, the spreading of Islam, education, art, information, science of the occult and conversion to Islam."



How does this relate to the to the OIC and Rashad Hussain, you ask ? That's easily explained by this:


"President Mohamed Morsi inaugurated on Wednesday 6/2/2013 the 12th Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

The summit is attended by 27 leaders of Islamic countries amid tight security around the venue of the summit.
The President delivered the opening speech that was followed by the speech of the Senegalese President, in his capacity as the president of the 11th OIC Summit.

Following Egypt's speech, OIC Secretary General Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu and leaders of African, Asian, Arab groups deliver their speeches.

In the afternoon, the first session will be held during which the summit agenda will be approved.
Morsi received on Tuesday 5/2/2013 President Abdullah Gul of Turkey, President Omar Guelleh of Djibouti and President Idriss Deby of Chad and their accompanying delegations."



What a co-winky-dink! Egypt just happens to be run by the Muslim Brotherhood! 

(I guess now would be as good a time as any to remind everyone and their grandmother that in addition to helping to create Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood also gave birth to a group that you may of heard of called al-Qaeda.)

Like I stated earlier, the OIC and the radical left in the US and Europe are comrades to the end. For example, like Commander Zer0  and his thugs at the Infernal Revenue Service, the OIC does not like Free Speech, or Freedom of Religion.

Take a gander at this:


"Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary-general of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), said the international community should 'come out of hiding from behind the excuse of freedom of expression', a reference to Western arguments against a universal blasphemy law that the OIC has sought for over a decade.

He said the 'deliberate, motivated and systematic abuse of this freedom' were a danger to global security and stability.

Separately, the Human Rights Commission of the OIC, which has 57 members and is based in Saudi Arabia, said 'growing intolerance towards Muslims' had to be checked and called for 'an international code of conduct for media and social media to disallow the dissemination of incitement material.' "



And of course, for those not faint of heart:


"The 56-member Organization of Islamic Conference, the largest Muslim organization in the world, should have a seat on the UN Security Council, said Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, its secretary-general.

'One of the important objectives for which I have been exerting a lot of efforts was to have a seat for OIC in the Security Council to represent 1.5 billion Muslims in the world,' Ihsanoglu told reporters in Cairo.
Speaking about the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah, he said they include poverty, lack of economic integration, Jewish settlement in occupied Arab territories, and Judaization of Jerusalem (Al-Quds)."



Now, I know someone from the United States federal government should be keeping an eye on the OIC, but that someone shouldn't be Rashad Hussain, who apparently agrees with them. That someone should be a CIA agent with a whole lot of backup.

Hello ? Peter King ? Are you out there, Pete ? Hello ? Darrell Issa ?  Darrell ? Republican Party ? Hello, anyone home ? Someone, please speak up. These crickets are really, really annoying.

The bottom line is this gang: We're in massive, massive trouble as a nation. I dare say we're on the edge of complete economic, political, and social disaster. I can't make it any more clear than that. I also don't have a solution of what could or should be done, since it's pretty obvious that our bloated leviathan of a government considers political correctness more important than national security.

PS--- They still want your guns. Have a great day.