I am pro-life. I know that life begins at conception, and destroying that life for any reason is an unspeakable evil. I know that individuals have the right to bear arms to protect themselves from the tyranny of the federal government, criminals, and foreign enemies. I know that free market capitalism is the only way to run an economy, despite the fact that I'm not a millionaire like Chairman Obama's pals, Sarah Jessica Parker and Eva Longoria or a billionaire like Chairman Obama's boss, George $oros. I know that homosexual "marriage" is destructive and wrong. I know that the borders must be defended and illegal aliens need to be deported. We could go on and on, and I could bore the crap out of you explaining why I think this way (other than the fact that they're truths that are self evident), but I don't think it's necessary. Odds are if you're reading this, you're a Conservative and you probably think the same way. 'Nuff said, to shamelessly rip off Stan Lee.
I have no problem saying any of the above in public. Hell, I'll talk to anyone who will listen about this stuff. Quite frankly, it's more than a feeling, kinda like the Boston song. It's who I am as a person. I've never held any other views for as long as I've been alive, and they'll be my views until the day I die. There's no Koch money paying for this column, I'm not some hack of a radio talk show host trying to make myself sound edgy, nor am I pimping myself for a sweet gig at the FOX Neocon Channel (FNC). I'm a "right-wing extremist" when I wake up late for work every morning and I'm a "right-wing extremist" when I finally pass out at night. As Popeye would say, "I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam."
Now, I don't consider myself some sort of hero to the Conservative Movement because I shout this from the rooftops every chance I get. Odds are, you do as well. There are millions of us. I'm no better at getting my point across than you or anyone else for that matter. But you know what, this column is not about me, nor is it about you, or the rest of the Conservative Movement's rank and file. This column is about the spineless blobs of wet cardboard that call themselves Republicans in public office.
Other than the usual suspects like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Michele Bachmann, Tim Scott, and Louie Gohmert, how often do we hear this stuff from Republicans ? Almost never anymore. All we get now is now is "We're evolving on this issue", "We're looking for a bipartisan solution", and all kinds of other sit-down-when-you-pee mush that doesn't mean a damn thing to anyone, including the mental deficient who uttered it.
If you'll note, those on the Sociopath Left never utter this defeatist pablum. They're always goosestepping in the same direction. There's never a hint of moderation in anything they say or do. It's always balls to the wall Marxism at warp speed. Constitution ? Who cares ? Can't get it through CONgress ? We'll write a regulation or issue an executive fiat. Voters getting in the way ? We'll import new ones, get the all important dead vote, one man six votes, and go to court if we have to. Granted, they have their sycophants in the arrogant and lazy media and Hollyweird backing them up, but you have to give the libs their due. Neither their stormtroopers or gauleiters ever seem to accept defeat.
Why can't we ? Why can't we fight to the death on every blessed issue the way they do ?
We're right on every issue. I've never had a discussion with a complete stranger about their daughter's partial birth abortion, but I've seen pictures of a complete stranger's grandchildren. For that matter, I've never heard anyone brag that their son is marrying some guy named Chip, nor have I heard anyone brag that their kid is on welfare. It's simply never happened, and it never will. And why is that, you ask ?
The American people simply don't find liberalism all that palatable.The moment the Republican party realizes this, they'll start winning again.